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Jasey’s POV.

    I had been on Twitter for almost ten minutes and I had been answering a lot of random questions. I still had another twenty or thirty minutes until Oli would be back so I needed something to distract me.

     “#askjasey where r u today?” –We’re in Chicago :D

   “#askjasey you and oli need 2 get married.” –Awh(: tell him that.

   “#askjasey I love you!!!!!!!! 12” –I love you too babe <3 xx

   “#askjasey u r so pretty” –You are tooooooooo :D

    “#askjasey how are u liking Warped Tour?” –Fucking amazing, lovely people c:

   “#askjasey come to our bussssss. We’re bored :c” –Fuck off Josh, I’m talking to fans <3

   “#askjasey is it true u r going on tour after Warped?” –Yup (: starts in September

   “#askjasey where r u from?” –I was bored in Australia grew up in California(:

   I heard the bus door open and close and Austin Carlile, Alan Ashby, Mike Fuentes, and Oli walked in. I smiled at them all.

   “Hi guys!” I said jumping up to hug them.

   “Hey hope you don’t mind us coming to ruin your fun” Austin winked; I laughed and shook my head.

   “I wasn’t really doing anything. Just answering fan questions” I said, they nodded understanding. We talked for until it was time for me to go to my signing.

   “Wait, we wanted to ask if you and Oli want to come to our bus tonight for a movie night. Alan’s pick, which means 500 Days of Summer.” Austin asked as Alan smacked him. I giggled but nodded

   “Yeah we’ll be there. Bye guys!” I said before kissing Oli and making my way to the tent where the signing was. I heard running behind me and an arm across my shoulder. I looked up and smiled at Mike. “Hai Mikey” I said poking his side, he laughed and bumped his hip with mine.

   “I thought I’d walk you cause I’m headed that way. Plus Ben and I are hanging out after your signing.” I nodded. We talked about anything and everything while walking. Mike and I had become close throughout the tour so far. He was a really sweet guy, despite how people judge him by the snapbacks and tattoos. All of Pierce the Veil were all really nice guys and I found myself being around them a lot. We got to the signing and I was excited to meet all the fans.

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