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A/N This is to Laura because she wanted me to write another chapter (: It's on my kindle so sorry if it sucks. That you everyone who has been reading. -Becca


Jasey's POV.

"Warped Tour here we come!" I shouted sitting on the couch in our tour bus. I smiled at my best friend, Livie and my band mates Ben, Chris, and Kyle.

"I can't believe you guys are letting me go! Thank you so much" Livie squealed. I giggled and watched as my best friends all talk and laugh. I started a band the summer after the last time I saw Oliver. It had been six years I had been with the same three guys. They were part of me and helped me cope with everything after Oli. Him and his band got signed and he dropped me. Not even a text to show he remembered me. My band and I got signed in the middle of last year our first album "Supernatural" just came out and we had a strong fanbase. This was our first time touring Warped Tour, well it was going to be our first tour in general.

"We're here!" Ben shouted. I smiled wide and quickly ran out of the bus seeing a ton of other buses parked and people walking around laughing and talking. I felt two arms around my waist pick me up and spin me arouns. "We did it" Ben said sitting me back down. I turned and wrapped my arms around him. Ben and I were the closest in the band, he helped me put together the band. This was our dream, and we we're living it.

"I know. Now come on let's go get food." I said grabbing his hand and dragging him towards the signs that read 'Food'. We got there and I looked around smiling at some of tthe familiar faces. I grabbed my plate and began piling on food. Ben and I sat down at a table and began talking about the first show tomorrow and how exciting it was going to be.

"Jasey Hannah. Turn your skinny little ass around and hug me!" I heard a familiar British accent yell. I turned around and smiled wide seeing two of the boys from my favorite band. I got up and ran into his awaiting arms.

"Josh! Dan! I missed you guys" I said pulling away from the hug. I looked up at them. "It's been what three months?" I asked while we walking back to the table where Ben was waiting.

"Yeah. Way to long" Josh mummbled sitting next to me. My band and I met You Me at Six while recording our first album. Josh guest sang on one of our tracks. They were great guys and we'd all became really close over the months if recording our albums. Plus they all were really cute so I wasn't complaining by spending lots of time with them. We all sat talking until it was time to go back to the bus and get ready for the big party tonight.

I took a quick shower and did my hair and make up before slipping on my black high waisted shorts, a white off the shoulder shirt, and my favorite old black Vans. I stepped out of the bathroom seeing only Livie sitting there on her phone. She looked up and grinned seeing me.

"Finally, the boys left because they wanted a drink." She said while hooking her arm with mine and pulling me out of the bus.


Livie and I were getting a little tipsy. We sat talking with two boys from the band "Bring Me The Horizon" the name sounded familiar but the alcohol was throwing my mind off. Livie was already making out with the guitarists Jona while I sat with Matt N. the drummer.

"You're so pretty." He slurred looking into my eyes. I blushed trying to look away. He brought my face back to his and our lips met in a gentle kiss.

"Jasey?" I pulled away quickly at the sound of a familiar Aussie accent. My breath hitched seeing the boy who left me all those years ago. I shook my head trying to figure out if this was real or not. I realized it was once he grabbed me into his arms and pushed me away from the party and everyone else. He looked angry and even hurt. Why was he hurt? He had no right, he left me when I needed him the most. "What the fuck are you doing?" He hissed. I narrowed my eyes at him and backed away.

"What the fuck am I doing? What are you doing? You left me you have no clue how much I needed you. You left without looking back and now you think you can show back up and everything will be fine? That's not how this works." I said lacing my voice with venom. He looked shocked and his face softened trying to step closer to me. I back up hitting a tour bus. He stepped forward so we were almost touching. His hand was placed on my cheek and I looked into his eyes remembering all the feelings we once had for each other.

"I'm sorry" he whispered. He ran a hand through his hair, steepping back and tugging on it. "I'm so fucking sorry. I never meant to leave you, I meant everything from that week we spent together. I just couldn't deal you with Matt back there. He's my best mate and band mate but he's bad news. Please don't get involved with him" Oli said avoiding my gaze. He finally looked up and sadness was clear in his eyes. He didn't say anything else, he just came pulling me close. Looking in my eyes, within seconds his lips were on mine and I felt all the anger I had for him melt away. It felt like we were teenagers again and that everything would be okay.

After realizing what was actually happening I pushed him away. Shaking my head I walked away from him.

"Jase! Don't leave me" he shouted after me. I didn't turn around I just kept walking.

"Why? It's what you did to me." I said making sure he heard as iI walked back to the party.

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