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A/N: Hi everyone(: How are you all? Thank you so much for reading, I updated three times today :D I know it's a little boring but hopefully it'll get better soon. Also everyone should go check out the fanfic by @LauraAdler because it's amazing. But yeah, comment/vote let me know what you think. ~Becca

Jasey’s POV.

    “Thank you for coming out to watch us today. We love you all!” I shouted before running off stage and into the arms of Matt.

   “You did great love” His whispered into my hair, I smiled and pulled away then pulling Oli into a hug. His tall figure had to lean down to hug me, his arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled me close.

   “You were amazing” He said, for some reason I got butterflies the way he was holding me and the way he was talking to me. I pulled from him and started walking off the stage. “What are you doing?” Oli shouted, I turned around and shrugged smiling.

   “I don’t know, I really want to go see the You Me at Six set. Are you coming?” I asked stopping to wait for them, Matt shook his head.

   “I still don’t feel good from last night. I’m going to rest before our show later. I’ll call you when I wake though” He said while kissing my cheek and walking away. I smiled up at Oli and pulled him along with me. He laughed and slipped his arm around my shoulder pulling me into him. We got to the set as the boys were walking on. I sat backstage watching them; I forgot how amazing they actually were live. Twenty minutes later the boys were all running off stage and I was taken into a group hug by five sweaty guys making me squeal.

   “Ew! Get the fuck off me you idiots!” I shouted getting out of the center of the group hug. I walked to Oli and hid by him. I heard him chuckle and he wrapped his arms around my waist. After the You Me at Six set Oli and I just walked around, getting stopped by a couple fans before walking back to the Bring Me the Horizon bus. Oli walked in first and I heard him gasp before turning to me.

   “Why don’t we just go to your bus?” He asked quietly, trying to block me from the image over his shoulder. I shook my head and tried to push past him.

   “Why? What are you on abou- Oh” Matt laid on the couch pretty much naked with a girl wrapped in his arms. I fake smiled and turned to Oli. “Let’s go” was all I said before walking out of the bus. He followed after me; finally catching up to me once I got onto my bus.

   “Jasey, are you okay?” He asked turning me around to look at him. I smiled and nodded, Oli sat on the couch and I looked at him.  Without thinking I climbed on his lap and kissed him, he was tense but soon kissed me back. He must’ve realized what he was doing because he pulled away. “What are you doing?” He asked looking at me.

   “I need to forget about everything right now” I said attaching my lips back to his. He kissed back immediately, he picked me up and we made our way to my bunk where we took things farther. Making us both feel like we felt when we were teenagers and slept with each other for the first time.  

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