Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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(22 Planetary Revolutions Later)
[Sector 93: Planetary Launch Terminal]

Multiple explosions rocked the ground as three mechanical monstrosities the size dwarfing the nearby surroundings walked and trampled through anything, followed by a shadow below them

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Multiple explosions rocked the ground as three mechanical monstrosities the size dwarfing the nearby surroundings walked and trampled through anything, followed by a shadow below them. They are also inside of a hexagonal force field, protecting them from countless bullets coming to destroy them.

The first mech has a gigantic body, with two legs on the torso. The mech also have twin Anti-Material Long Range Fast Reloading Cannon that can pierce anything on its way. The mech also have orange-yellow accents in its body, signalling that it was a Sharded unit. This Heavy Mech is called Reign.

The second unit has the same size as the first mech but has a different design. It has a large gap in the middle that have the High-powered Piercing Laser Weaponry, which is used for applying constant pressure to buildings.

The gap also have an Enhanced Mining Module, to allow it to gather resources at a much faster rate but can only mine weaker materials. It still have the orange-yellow accents but most of its body has green accents. This Siege Mech is called Corvus.

The third mech, which has a smaller body, compensates for its eight legs that can walk on any terrain and buildings on its way. It has twin High-Energy Multiway Cannon that releases three spikes in a short range but has a fast fire rate.

The mech also has a High-Energy Impact Cluster Cannon, which release a sphere that once in contact, will release eight smaller spheres that damages the surrounding area. It also have a MK-I Fabricator to help for a build process. It have a different accent than the other two, its main body having purple accents, along with smalls parts of orange-yellow accents. This Arachnid Mech is called Toxopid.

The shadow above them is an airship, which has a giant body than the three mechs, it have a narrow cockpit, with a wide body which can store the Mobile Force Field Generator and(almost)any unit, along with a singular, giant engine that moves the ship slowly. It have the same accent as the Corvus, green accents with small, orange-yellow accents on the parts on the middle. This Support Mech is called Oct.

Currently the mechs are now approaching the Crux Nucleus Core on the north west of the sector, but that's not all. In the northern part of the sector there are two large ships and another airship, approaching the core by water.

The first ship have a Custom Fitted Fast Rail Gun that fires single shot rounds at high precision. It also have a large main body, that stores the ammunition of the rail gun. At the end of the ship is a Flare Production Facility, that continuously produces Flares at a normal rate. It has orange-yellow accent on the body of the ship. This Long Range Ship is called Omura.

The second ship is the same size as the Omura, but with a few differences. It has four  Repair and Destroy Laser Beam Turret, that fires a short, Meltdown-like laser beam that can heal allies and destroy Crux buildings. The turret is automated so that only what's near it will be targeted to be repaired or destroyed. There are also two Electromagnetic Pulse Cannons that fire singular shots of spheres that once reached their destination, will detonate into a sphere that damages buildings and destroying power generators and tower nodes. The accent is similar to the Corvus, which is green to light green. This Repair and Destroy Ship is called Navanax.

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