"Good morning, Yoongi." The elder greeted causing Yoongi to only nod his head, not really a talker when it came to teachers. Hoseok rolled his eyes at Yoongi's acting gestures and returned back to the elder with a smile on his lips.

"Let's get started." The principal spoke.

The two boys who sat nodded their heads, letting the older male continue the discussion he called them in for. There was a long pause fore he spoke again, but when he did, the attention was all in his words.

"The school election for class president and vice president are coming up. The staffs of this school and I have been thinking and we figured why not have the two most smartest people in the school become the chairmen of their class?" The principal told the two, smiling widely at the end while he only received straighten facial expressions from both.

Though, their dim expressions were plastered on their faces, in both heads of the boys, they were thinking highly of themselves, congratulating themselves, excitement pulsing through their blood. The principal cleared his throat and leaned on his comfortable chair, loosing his beam to smile.

"Will I be able to put this on my college resume?" Yoongi mumbled, eyeing the way the elder nodded. "Of course you can." He said. "Then, I'll do it." Yoongi spoke with boredom. When Hoseok heard what Yoongi stated, he snapped his head to him then the elder, "I'll- I'll do it too." Hoseok rushingly told.

The principal cheered happily and began to tell them their positions as class president and vice president. "Since Yoongi is the top student, we figured that he would take the role as class president and you, Hoseok, as his helper, class vice president." Hoseok narrowed his eyebrows at the word, 'helper'.

Hoseok didn't bring his different opinion into the conversation, but he did stare at the principal with disbelief in his eyes. He could see Yoongi shake his head in disagreement, "no, I don't want to be the class president. I rather be the helper." Yoongi shared his thoughts without much worry.

Yoongi head kept down until he finished and then, only did he look up at the principal with a intimidating glare that made him chuckle nervously.

Hoseok hid his grin at the way the other two operated together, but he couldn't help but feel happy with the fact Yoongi was stepping down from the high chair.

"Hoseok will take my spot and in return, I will be the helper." Yoongi further told, not giving the elder a choice anymore. Hoseok hummed faintly, letting them know he was agreeing with Yoongi.

Hoseok took notice of the way Yoongi said the word 'helper' with not much care.

That was interesting.

The principal sighed but nodded his head, taking a pen and writing the changes Yoongi described to him. "Everything looks good. We will announce this to the school tomorrow in the morning. Thank you, Yoongi and Hoseok. Have a good day." The elder dismissed the two and watched them leave through the door together.

At the moment, Hoseok closed the door behind them, he turned to Yoongi, "thanks." He whispered to the shorter boy. He heard a scoff, "thanks? I didn't do that to benefit you. Do you think I want to be the one in charge all the time? Good luck." Yoongi snickered sarcastically and went a different route from the one he came in.

He simply didn't want to go to class anymore, "fuck you, Yoongi!" Yoongi heard coming from behind. It was Hoseok's voice cursing at him, "you too." Yoongi turned back to where Hoseok stood with an upset glare, he walked backwards exchanging middle fingers with Hoseok.

Yoongi loosely grinned and went back to walking normally, taking a right turn into a new hallway, noting the one couple that always stayed in the halls. He would say they were his friends, but at the same time, they weren't.

His Flower Named HopeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin