Forest Starts with F. . . 🌲

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"Guys! Maybe we could play a game during our travel?" Saying that, you rode on Carbon, with Kid. Who was holding the saddle with a firm grip, trying to avoid any further accidents with falling off.

Currently, everyone were on their horses. Riding through a thin path, in the forest. Your destination was kept in a secret, because you wanted to give the guests a pleasant surprise.

"That's a good idea! Any suggestions?" Luffy said, as Caramel made a happy sound, just like his owner. They trotted up next to you both — you and Eustass.

"Hmm. . . 'My little eyes Spotted'?" Sabo suggested. It was a game where you have to find something, describe the thing really basic like: what colour it has, with what letter the name starts.

Yeah, I thought you knew it.

"Oh PLEASE!— What a childish game. . . You should've come up with something better—" Captain grumbled, loosening the grip around your the saddle while he gesticulated with his right hand.

And your ass-of-an-horse took the advantage, Carbon trotted a bit forward, giving AnGeR iSSiuES mAn a fright, because he almost fallen from the rear of the animal.

"Asshole. . ." Redhead mumbled, a small blush decorated his cheeks. He appreciated that somebody had guts, not counting Killer, to make A few pranks on him. Not fearing for their life or own safety.

"He appreciates the compliment." Quickly responding to the furious man, after Carbon neighed a but — you made Ace, Luffy and Zoro snort. Sanji with Sabo could only chuckle at the conversation, between you and Kid, while Coby almost lost his soul by the large amount of jokes played on his boss.

That made the Tulip man's mouth turn into a frown, baring his teeth a little bit — he gripped at your waist instead of the saddle. Not showing that it was kinda harmful, you laughed at his expression and joked.

"Not on first date, babe."

Ace choked on air after he heard that, Sabo's jaw slightly opened to comment that, but he made sure that it'll be shut before making a simple sound. Zoro made a heartful laugh, while Luffy let out his very original one.

Sanji made a small and dramatic 'NOOO...' underneath his nose and Coby... may he rest in peace. Yet, after a minute he came back to life, before Kid could explode with his temper and yell like a banshee, with cusses, in the middle of the forest.

"O-okay everybody, c-calm down..I'll start." Coby announced, that was a really brave move from the little Pinkette, comparing it to his previous behaviour. Searching around, he spotted a small group of mushrooms. Growing near an old and rotten log.

"So. . . These are all brown, sometimes slimy when it rains and the name of the species starts with 'M'." Pretty easy to solve, first one to answer was Luffy, obviously. The Goofy Glutton.

"MUSHROOMS??" The thrill in his voice, was disturbed by loud growling inside his tummy, literally it was ordering for those mushrooms to hop inside his mouth.

Meanwhile Sabo checked the time from pure curiosity, it was already past 2:00 pm, so basically it was dinner time. Deciding to make a break in 5 minutes, everybody parked their horses near the same, fallen, tree.

The place where you stopped was a tiny camping site, it still wasn't the place where you wanted to get to, but surely closer than before. Your destination was still far away.

"We will take a break here, The mushrooms seems to be eatable so they will be done in few minutes. Meanwhile you all can play that game." Sanji inspected the fungi, making sure if his words were true, and to Luffy's luck — they were.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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