He is Here. 🚨

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Shit. Shit,Shit,Shit,Shit. SHIT!-

You were going late, still chasing the vehicle of the independent driver and mysterious passenger.

Only 15 minutes until the Diner begins. Still, 20 minutes of journey to go.

"For God's sake! Why today?! Why not tomorrow!? I promised Luffy to be there on time. . ."

You got your phone out of your bag, telling Carbon to slow down a bit.
Calling The Gluton Brother to give him an apologetic talk.

"Beeeep . . .Beeeep . . ."

The only thing which was able to hear. The sound of processing call.
At least for now-


"Oh Hi ____! Are you here yet?"

Luffy asked with a curious mixed up with euphoria tone in his voice.

"Uhh-. . Hehe. I am afraid of that, Lulu, I think I'll be a bit later than I thought. Sorry. . ."

You said, breathing loudly and patting your Stallion's side of his neck, as Carbon replied to your sign and speed up a bit.

"Awh Maaan, I was hoping for you to be here soon. . . "

"I know Lulu, I know. But I will tell you a funny story as a Repayment! Pinky promise!"

Luffy gasped.

"Really?! Yahoo!! Ya' hear that Ace?! ______ Will tell us a funny story right after they come back!!"

"Seriously? _____. . . . You know us well! We love your tales and all. Especially you, my dear."

Ace said to the microphone.

"Heh.- Thanks Guys! Tell Sabo that I am fine. He is probably sitting there pale with worried look, mumbling something . ."

"Haha! He indeed is! You heard her, Sabo. There is Nothing to worry!"

Two raven haired brothers told him in happy tone. Still, you could feel Blonde boy worrying there, about your health and mainly everything.

"Sabo .. . Hey, buddy. Listen. Even if I am going late - Only 5 minutes. It is not the end of the world. I am not dead!"

That didn't work. He only grabbed the phone from Luffy's hand and yell.

"______! How could you say such a thing! I will be worried and will never stop! You are important to me. . .No, us! So stay safe and get your ass over here, as fast as you can!"

These were the most adorable, cutest and mf sweet words you've ever heard from him.

"Aye! Aye! Sir Sabo! I will be there until you end this call! Love ya guys!"

"See you ____! Byeeee _____! Stay safe, Remember ______!!"

They said at the same time. You chuckled as you ended the call. Seeing the Hotel Resort your lungs could only do one thing.

A deep breath, to the sight of a beautiful sunset behind the Stables and Hotel which was your home.

Wow. You never felt so happy to see little world of yours.


"Mr. Little Pinkette. When we will arrive to that. . . Nasty Place?"

Kidd said with his nerves slowly showing up again. The Man could only reply to him in the most polite way he could imagine.

"Master, we will be in no time there. I already can see sight of The buildings."

Young man peeked through the window, at the huge hotel which he was going to, soon.

"𝙃𝙊𝙇𝘿 𝙔𝙊𝙐𝙍 𝙃𝙊𝙍𝙎𝙀𝙎!"‼️Where stories live. Discover now