Chapter Thirty-four: The Return of the Jerk.

Start from the beginning

Not wanting to wait another moment I hurriedly picked up the things that had spilled from my bag, standing up to leave.

"Where you going? Come on it's just a little fun." One of Hale's friends said, laughing, blocking my way.

"You guys are crazy!" Susan was at my side all of a sudden, swearing in her mother tongue, glasses missing and her backpack secured to her front. "Let us pass!"

"Oh I see what you're doing Violet." Hale said behind me. "You'd prefer it if I put on a show, huh?"

I groaned internally, wheeling around to just scream when I saw him get on one knee like some... Romeo!

"Fine, you women are so hard to please." Hale laughed and the crowd laughed with him.
This was all a big performance, he didn't mean any of this and even if he did, I wanted nothing to do with him.

"Will you please take me back? I'm just a man, I mess up, it's what I do." He stretched one hand towards me and I just stood there watching in disgust, Susan and I holding each other.

"Take him back!" Someone yelled and the rest of the crowd took it up from there. "Take him back! Take him back!! Take him back!!!"

At this point, I was determined to just wait it out till they started to leave but their voices kept getting louder and louder and just when it seemed like I would never escape, the middle of the crowd parted hurriedly as people narrowly escaped being trampled by a white convertible.

"Hey watch it!" Someone screamed.

"Watch your life, loser!" Cassandra replied with the exact same energy before parking right in front of Hale and pulling out a megaphone.

"Cassandra?" Hale said, getting up. "I'm in the middle of something here..."

"I don't care. You're in my spot." She said into the megaphone, causing everyone nearby to cover their ears. "Park your ugly car where no one can see it."

"Just who do you think you are?" He replied. "Because last I checked, McGuire dumped you and not just for anyone, but that nerd." He gestured to Annie who finally broke free of the jocks holding her back.

"Watch it, kid." She snarled, coming over to me to ask if I was fine.

"If anything, this is Jason's parking spot." Hale said.

"Jason's not here and the only thing his wannabe girlfriend has is a deflated bicycle tyre." Cassandra said and smiled contentedly.

"At least I'm the wannabe girlfriend, you're just the wannabe." Annie called with a laugh. "You've been in the friend zone since kindergarten, sister."

"Ouch!" Susan chortled.

"Ladies, I don't care who he's screwing for the time being, all of you can go to hell." Hale said, walking over to lean on his car, exchanging a slap shake with a friend.

Cassandra's passive aggressive expression suddenly dropped and she stepped out of her convertible to get in Hale's face, mini skirt swaying in the wind.

"Your mother took one look at me and decided I wasn't good enough to be the face of Feather Cosmetics." She said. "Me! Cassandra Manuel! I do not forget such things easily and trust me I'm more than willing to take out my anger on you. So be a good boy and move unless you want your car thoroughly keyed."

Hale backed up, smile dropping. "You wouldn't dare."

"Who says I have to do it? I just got my nails done." Cassandra shrugged and turned around to face the crowd before holding up the megaphone.
"Go mind your businesses you slobbering hogs, don't you have televisions at home?!"

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