chapter 4

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"Add a balloon Kar '' Lena tells me as I continue to draw on the white board, most of the other people have finished their masterpieces but me and some other blond woman are still working.

The two women from the meeting where there they had introduced themselves as Sharon and Karen, Sharon was a tall pale skinny women with short hair whilst Karen had a darker skin tone was short and on the plumper side

"Okay, Let's have a seat" Sharon says

I sit back in my seat and watch as the other woman rushes to finish "Times up" the woman's name was October, I all ready dislike her

Sharon waits for everyone to settle down before starting on her speech "These are your fantasy kids. They're not your real children, your real kids will be very different and you can't erase them. Now it's time to erase these ideas right now"

We all stand up and start wiping up the white board, October stares at her son then slowly starts to wipe him down "Okay time to sit down"

October looks up to see everyone done, I know it's wrong but I kind of feel like laughing "Almost done, almost done" Karen shots her a look witch gets her to sit "Okay, I'm done"

Karen looks at us "All right, everybody I want you all to imagine you got this plush new job. They give you a nice big office. There's a gym and a frozen yogurt machine right there in the break room"

I smile "I love frozen yogurt" Oh crap did I say that out loud. Everyone except October laughs and Lena kisses my cheek as I blush like a tomato

Karen smiles "I do to Kara, now let's get back to what we were doing" My cheeks get redder "As I was saying there's a gym,and a frozen yogurt machine, but deep down you know you're not qualified. In your heart of hearts you know that you're not good enough and you are going to get fired. The same way you got fired from your last three jobs and you might quit just to get some control back. Hell, you might even tip over that damn yogurt machine and walk your ass right on out of there"

Sharon butts in "Just to clarify Karen is not condoning destruction in the workplace" Another laugh echoes the room

"The point is, that it's the same... for a displaced kid.... Who that you didn't want her. Except instead of grieving the loss of a job, she's losing her connection with everything and everyone. But one connection that can remain between siblings, sometimes it's easier for sibs to adjust because they're not going through it alone. You might want to consider upgrading to a sibling set. Dirk? Would you consider siblings?"

Dirk was sitting on my left with his wife by his side, he smiles "The big might smile on that, but w-we'd have to..." His wife smiles kindly "We would have to pray on that, right honey?" Dirk blushes as the attention is on him again "Yeah Pray on it"

Karen smiles "The big guy wouldn't give you more than you can handle" Dirk frowns a little "I beg to differ" Lena chuckles along with the class .It makes me smile that she is so relaxed even though she still a little scared, I know she doesn't believe me but she's gonna be a great mom

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