"You look gorgeous in that dress! Of course you should buy it!" Misty called from behind a clothing rack.

Lilac chuckled lightly before heading over to the shoes area. She picked out some light purple high heels to finish off her outfit, she payed for her clothes and met her friends by the entrance who had also picked out their outfits by now.

Misty grabbed her by the wrist and began dragging her, "let's go to the hair salon!" She suggested.

Lilac turned her head around to see her friends fixing her with confused glances, she shrugged her shoulder before the rest of the group started following her.

"What would you like today Miss?" A lady with her brown hair tied up in a bun and an apron around her waist asked while Lilac was sitting in the salon chair.

"Surprise me." The navy haired girl said.

"Alright, coming right up." The lady replied, grabbing a hair brush and a bottle of hairspray.

"Anddd done." The lady handed Lilac a mirror, "what do you think?" She asked.

Lilac smiled as she observed the style the lady had put her hair in, "I love it." She said.

The salon worker smiled, "I'm glad you like it dear."

The navy haired girl gave the lady a one hundred dollar tip, "keep the change." She told her.

The worker eyed her with a surprise, "Miss I can't accept this." She said, shaking her head.

"I insist." Lilac said, once again extending her hand to give the worker her tip.

The lady smiled before taking it, "that is very kind of you. Have a nice day." She said, putting the tip in her pocket.

Lilac waved goodbye before retreating to the entrance and strutted by her friends to show off her hairstyle. Holly and Misty were fan girling over the navy girl's new hairstyle, while Jake was smiling.

Lilac's competition outfit

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Lilac's competition outfit

Lilac, Jake, and the music club were backstage of Moonshine Entertainment. The moment they've waited for had finally arrived. Drew had given Jake a passionate kiss before he, Henry, and Liam retreaded back to the audience.

Jake was nervously fiddling with his fingers, "are you alright Jake?" Lilac asked, walking over to him.

The blond put on a nervous smile, "yeah, I'm fine, I'm just excited for the competition that's all." He laughed nervously.

His navy haired best friend wasn't convinced, "I know you're lying." She told him, crossing her arms.

Jake sighed, "I'm scared Lilac." He confessed.

His best friend raised an eyebrow, "scared of what?"

The peach blond bowed his head, "I'm scared of what people are going to think. What if they laugh at me? Or tell me I'm nothing but a freak? Or-"

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