Chapter 8

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Lilac stood there in shock, had she heard him correctly? "What?" She asked again.

Jake didn't take his eyes off her, "sing with me for the competition Lilac!"

Lilac let out a small laugh, "you're kidding right?"

Jake shook his head, "I'm serious Lilac! We can perform a duet!"


"And maybe you could even play your violin!"


"We would sound great to-"


The peach haired boy looked up at her, a small smile still on his face. Lilac took a deep breath, "look I would love to sing with you just like we used to, but bringing my violin into the mix? You know that I haven't played that thing in years."

Jake put a hand on the taller girl's shoulder, guilt shone in his hazel eyes, "I'm sorry, I don't want to force you, Lilac. I just thought it would be a good idea."

Lilac looked into his eyes, "I know it's just..." she glanced down at her feet, "you know that I haven't played my violin since that incident."

Jake took his hand off her shoulder, "I know, but it's just not the same without you."

Lilac crossed her arms, staring at the ground, "I'll think about it ok?"

Jake nodded his head excitedly, "ok I'll meet you in the music room tomorrow. Bright and early."

"Yeah, that won't be much of a problem for me. I'm an early bird after all." Lilac scoffed.

Jake playfully rolled his eyes, "ok Miss Bright and Early, I'll see you tomorrow."

The two waved goodbye, leaving Lilac to make a difficult choice.

                        The next day

"Jake, is it really necessary for you to be dragging me right now?" Lilac asked in her usual annoyed tone.

The two were on their way to the music room, and Jake had insisted that they had to be fast.

"We have to be fast! I texted them in the group chat saying that we had to meet up in the music room early." Jake explained.

Lilac playfully rolled her eyes, "you do realize I was in the group chat, right?"

Jake chuckled nervously, "oh right..."

The two finally reached the music room and Jake let go of Lilac's wrist. The peach haired boy walked in first, the taller girl close behind him.

"Hey, morning guys thanks for coming in early." Jake said when they walked in, Lilac stood next to him with a small smile on her face.

"Morning." Milly replied, yawning.

"Good morning." Luke replied in his usual cheerful tone.

"So, what's up Jake? You gave us a scare last night asking us to meet you this morning, why so suddenly?" Sean asked, sitting on the table next to Milly.

"Oh sorry." Jake said, rubbing the back of his neck. Lilac glanced at him; she still didn't know why her best friend wanted to meet so early.

"It's nothing bad though, me and Lilac just have something to talk about." Jake continued, gesturing to Lilac. The royal blue haired girl shot him a surprised glare.

"What do you mean we? Don't include me in this." Lilac scolded.

"Go on". Zander said, looking suspicious.

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