Chapter 18

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Lilac reluctantly paced over to her siblings; she took a seat next to Nora. "Lilac, what happened today?" Nora asked gently. The navy haired girl stayed quiet, "you've been sulking ever since you got back from school". Hunter pointed out. "Shouldn't you be at rehearsals?" Orchid asked, eyeing her little sister with concern. After her older sister said that Lilac couldn't hold back the bitterness any longer, she let a stream of bitter tears roll down her cheeks, "they kicked Jake out over a recording!" She hissed. Her siblings exchanged shocked glances; it was clear that they weren't expecting something like that.

Leo got up to sit on Lilac's other side, "what was the recording about Superstar?" He whispered. The younger clenched her fists, "at Drew's place yesterday, Lia said that the club was using both me and Jake ever since we both joined. Jake told her that it wasn't true, but the others kept pushing him. Zoey claimed they had us wrapped around their pinky finger, Drew, Liam, and Henry agreed. Drew told Jake that we spent all of this time doing it just for the club we didn't get anything in return. The jomies began to argue until Jake snapped, causing him to say terrible things about the club out of anger, and today someone sent the recording to the club and for some reason they believed it over their own friend.

Milly slapped him, Zander yelled at him, Luke told him he wasn't worth it, they ended leaving him in the dust to cry. Despite telling him he was a part of their family; the moment he made a mistake they kicked him out". A bitter growl escaped her lips as she remembered everything that happened today. Leo and Nora exchanged worried and angry looks before glancing back at their sister who had put her hands behind her head, "what happened after all that?" Hunter asked. Lilac clenched her teeth before replying, "I ended up confronting the music club after I found Jake sobbing alone in the music room. When I told them what really happened, they just turned him away. I yelled at them for never listening to us and for constantly putting pressure on us, but they didn't want to believe they were part of the cause. I got into an argument with Zander, and he told me that I've never been betrayed before because my life is so perfect. Even after I told them what happened with my ex-friends". She left out the part about how he had found her crying on a bench.

Nora narrowed her eyes, Leo cracked his knuckles, Hunter growled, Valeria clenched her fists, Max looked angry, and Orchid's light blue eyes held fury. "They didn't even notice how much they were hurting both of us. I guess they didn't care enough to make sure we were ok". Lilac snarled. "I can't believe we let them into our house!" Orchid growled with narrowed eyes. "No one hurts our little sister and gets away with it". Leo hissed hitting his palm with a clenched fist. Valeria calmly eyed her navy haired sister, "Lilac, I think you should head to your room so me, Orchid, Nora, Hunter, Leo, and Max can talk". Lilac stood up but didn't walk towards the stairs to make her way to her room, "but I need to check on Jake!" She protested. "You need to rest Stardust, you both do". Orchid put in, "you two need a break from all this drama." "Fine. I'll visit Jake tomorrow after school, so don't try to stop me". She replied reluctantly before she stalked off to her room.

When Lilac got to her room she sighed in annoyance, she could sense Jake needed her, she dreaded going back to school as she didn't want the jomies or music club anywhere near Jake. If they ever hurt Jake again, they'll be sorry. All of the respect she once had for the music club was gone, they had the nerve to leave her best friend in the dust when he needed them most, Lilac had let herself believe that the club cared about both her and Jake, but it turns out it was too good to be true. She felt her phone buzz in her dress pocket, she picked it up and saw that it was a text from Holly.

Hey, Lilac, how are you doing?

-Just fantastic.

Lilac I'm sorry about what happened.

-Don't be, I saw the truth. They don't care enough to consider mine or Jake's feelings.

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