Chapter 9

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Tw- mention of suicide

Lilac stood in the music room, still thinking of what to do. Do I play my violin in the competition or not?

The words that Hailey said rang in her head, "not me, not Jake, not Drew. You!" Lilac took a deep breath she remembered when Jake had first introduced her to the jomies.

"Lilac! I want you to meet someone!" Jake said, jumping up and down.

Lilac raised a brow, "who?"

"My friends!" Jake replied happily.

Before she could reply Jake grabbed her by the wrist. The peach haired boy dragged her through the halls, until they finally stopped in front of a magenta haired boy, a brown-haired boy, and a green haired boy.

Jake let go of the royal blue haired girl's wrist, "Jake, who's this?" The brown-haired boy asked.

"Guys I want you to meet my best friend, Lilac." Jake gestured to her. "Lilac, this is Drew, Liam, and Henry." He said as he pointed at each of the boys.

Lilac slowly waved at them, the magenta haired boy took a step towards her, "wait aren't you Lilac Moonshine the famous model? And the girl Jake was saying he got separated from?" Lilac nodded slowly.

The three boys exchanged glances and turned back towards her, "it's nice to finally meet you." Henry said.

Lilac let herself smile.

For some reason the memory caused her to feel joy, though she has always tried to convince herself that she felt nothing towards the Jomies.

Another memory tugged at her heart, when Jake begged her not to do it. It was the day she had enough...

"I can't do this anymore!" Lilac snapped, with tears falling from her eyes.

"Lilac, everything will be ok I prom-" Lilac interrupted her best friend

"Stop saying that! My so-called friends left me! My parents left me! I'm disappointed with the Moonshine name! My siblings are ashamed of me! I'm constantly forced to overwork myself! I'm forced to be a model! How is everything going to be alright!?"

Jake stared at her with desperation in his eyes, "Lilac please listen to me!"

Lilac faced him, a stream of tears steadily fell from her sapphire eyes, "I give up!" The blue haired girl spun around and ran towards her house.

"Lilac wait!" She heard her best friend yell after her.

She opened the door and stepped inside; she ran up the stairs to her room. The blue haired girl opened one of the draws to reveal a knife.

Lilac felt tears in her eyes. She would finally no longer be in pain; she would be free, "I'm sorry Jake." She whispered.

Lilac unrolled her sleeves to see her bloody cuts, she aimed the blade at her arm. She began to make deep cuts into both her arms, deeper than she had ever made them.

Her arms were covered in blood, she felt dizzy and let herself fall to the ground, the knife still in her hand. She smiled sadly, her pain was almost over, she felt tears still streaming down her face.

Everything then faded to black.

Lilac heard an annoying beeping sound next to her, what is that noise? Lilac opened her eyes a little. She saw Jake, Drew, Liam, and Henry sitting down next to her. Jake had his head buried in Drew's shoulder, the blonde boy was sobbing quietly, Drew also had tears streaming down from his brown eyes.

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