Chapter 1

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"Lilac! Lilac"! Lilac turned around to see Holly yelling her name. "Why in the world are you yelling?" She asked annoyed. Holly rolled her eyes, then shoved a purple paper into Lilac's face, she picked it up and stared at it. Student Band Competition, looking for new members.

Lilac's eyes widened, they're looking for new members? I thought after Jake joined they wouldn't need anyone else. Lilac remembered when her and Daisy were finally able to convince him to join. He has practically been begging me to join.

Lilac remembered how nagging Jake had been the past few days, "Lilac please join the club?" Jake had pestered, Lilac had made it clear she meant it when she said no, yet he continued to ask her well technically beg her, "Come on Lilac, you know you want to". Her best friend was right, she did want to but there was something holding her back.

They probably all think I'm a spoiled brat or even a bully. She remembered the way one of the band members looked at her, Zander she thought was is name. "So Lilac what do you say". Holly's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She met her green gaze, "I'm not joining". Lilac shoved the purple paper back into the black haired girl's hand.

"Oh come on Lilac you can at least try! They'll see what an amazing singer you are!" Holly urged. Lilac snorted in annoyance, "yeah and a pearl necklace will grow through the floor." Holly gave her an annoyed look, "ok queen of sarcasm, what do you plan to do then?" Lilac let out an annoyed sigh, "I'm not joining, I have a feeling they don't like me that much, yes I'm Jake's best friend but I think it's something else. They've seen me hangout with Drew, Liam, and Henry, they probably think I'm like them".

Lilac turned away from her black haired friend, "I'm sorry Holly but I'm not joining." With that the dark blue haired girl walked away leaving Holly to stand there by herself.

Holly's side of the story
Ugh why is that girl's shell so hard to crack? Holly tried to think of a plan to get Lilac to join, maybe Misty has an idea. Holly thought this was a solid plan, then she set off to find her sea blue haired friend.

"Misty!" Holly yelled from behind Misty's open locker door. "Ah!". Misty shrieked, slamming her locker closed in the process. Misty seemed to realize it was Holly and relaxed, "Don't ever sneak up on me like that again!" She scolded.

Holly giggled at her friend's reaction, then her gaze turned serious. "I was looking for you to ask you if you have any ideas to get Lilac to join the club". Misty sighed in annoyance, "she still hasn't joined?" Holly shook her head.

Misty rolled her eyes, "Lilac may be difficult to convince, but there's one person she might listen to". Holly raised a brow, "who?" She asked. Misty gave a 'you know who I'm talking about' look before she continued, "Jake". Holly nodded finally understanding, "she might not listen to us, but she'll listen to the person she trusts most". Misty ranted, Holly grabbed her wrist, then the two teens set off on a look for the peach haired boy.

"You want me to do what?" Jake asked them when they finally got a chance to talk to him. "We want you to convince Lilac to join the club". Misty repeated. "You know how stubborn she is!" Jake reminded them.

The ocean haired girl face palmed, and continued, "she won't listen to either of us but she'll most likely listen to you. She trusts you the most after all". Jake nodded in understanding before he protested, "I've tried to get her to join! But no matter what I say she won't join!" "Then try harder". Holly muttered, handing him the purple paper. "

Alright I'll try, after all it be nice having my best friend sing with me". Jake smiled, then walked off to find his best friend.

Back to Lilac's side
Lilac lay on her back, on her white bed staring at the ceiling. Are Jake, Holly, and Misty right? Should I join? Lilac shook her head, no, they don't want me to join, after all they probably think I'm a bully, and how do I know I can trust them?

"Lilac! Jake's here!" Lilac was awaken from her thoughts by the voice of her niece, Cherry. Her siblings were out so she was in charge of watching the pink and blue haired girl. Lilac swiftly stood up, why is Jake here?

Lilac rushed out of her bedroom toward the stairs. She hopped on the railing and slid down it. "Do you ever use stairs?" She heard her best friend say when she got down. Her eyes glittered with amusement, "where's the fun in that?"

Cherry bounced over to Jake, in her light blue hoodie, "why are you here anyway?" She asked. Jake bent down to meet Cherry's ice blue eyes, and gently ruffled her hair, "I need to talk to your Auntie about something". Cherry giggled, "ok". She then ran off up the stairs to her room. Jake turned to face Lilac, "Lilac, I need to tell you something. Could we talk in your room?" "Sure". Lilac said.

The two teens ran up the stairs, then sat on Lilac's white bed. Lilac raised a brow at the peach haired teen, "why didn't you tell me you were coming to hang out? You always do". Jake sighed as if mustering up the courage to say something, "I want you to join the music club Lilac". He said at last.

Lilac sighed, clearly annoyed, "I told you I'm not joining, you know why". Jake met her gaze, "please? I would love it if you joined!" Lilac turned her eyes away, "my answer is still no, there's nothing you could do to change my mind." "Not even if I make this face?" Lilac turned her head to see Jake giving her the puppy eyes, unfortunately she wasn't able to resist them. "Ugh fine." She groaned.

Jake's eyes lit up as he wrapped his arms around her. "Yes! I knew you would except to join eventually! They'll like you I promise." I highly doubt that.

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