Chapter 25

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The following week Lilac, Jake, and the music club spent time practicing for the competition. The jomies would invite themselves in from time to time to cheer them on and to provide feedback. After her performance in front of her fans Lilac had invited her siblings to the competition, at first they were hesitant about attending but Lilac managed to convince them.

Lilac walked out of the music room with Jake and Drew by her side, ever since the two started dating they had refused to leave each other's side, which meant the navy haired girl was usually seen with both her best friend and the magenta haired boy, "I can't believe the competition is almost here." Jake said who was holding Drew's hand.

The navy haired teen giggled, "our hard work is about to pay off."

Drew raised an eyebrow, "why aren't you playing your violin in the competition anymore?" He asked.

Lilac twirled her hair with her finger, "I guess I didn't feel up to it. I'll play it for everyone someday, but this time I just want to focus on my singing." She explained, Drew nodded in understanding .

Jake kissed Drew on the cheek, "I'm glad you're going to be there." He said with a smile.

The magenta haired boy smiled back, "wouldn't miss it for the world".

Lilac playfully rolled her eyes, "can't I go anywhere without you two flirting with each other?"

Jake and Drew turned red, "we don't flirt with each other all the time!" Drew protested.

Lilac moved her eyebrows up and down, "yeah sure, whatever you say."

Lilac was laying awake on her bed, she glanced at her calendar Band Competition was written in black sharpie for Friday. She was excited but also kind of nervous, mainly because her siblings had never heard her sing before. She wondered how they would react, would they see how passionate she really is about singing? Or would they ban her completely from ever singing a single note again? She sighed, well there's only one way to find out.

It was the day before the band competition, Lilac and her friends were at the mall shopping for their competition clothes, "everything is on me." Lilac said, pulling her credit card out of her pocket.

Drew shook his head, "no, I'll pay for everything." He argued.

An annoyed look crossed the navy haired teen's face, "I said I would first."

"Well, I was thinking about it first." Drew and Lilac stepped towards each other.

"That doesn't count!" The navy teen countered.

The two glared challengingly at each other before Hailey broke them apart, "how about you both help pay for it?" She suggested.

Lilac and Drew thought for a moment before they both nodded, "alright, fine." The navy haired girl said.

Jake sighed in relief after his best friend and boyfriend were done arguing.

"Lilac! Check out this one!" Holly came running towards her holding a purple dress. The navy haired singer looked the dress up and down, "you know it's not too shabby." She admitted.

She took the dress from her black haired friend, and headed towards one of the fitting rooms. When she finished putting it on she presented herself to her friends, "so, what do you think?" She asked.

"You look really good in purple." Hailey complemented, who was holding a black laced dress.

"Lilac looks good in anything." Liam added with a smirk.

The navy haired girl rolled her eyes before retreating back into the fitting room to put her normal clothes back on. She exited with the dress in her hand, "I think I'm going to buy this one." She announced to her friends, who nodded.

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