Chapter 12 : Star shopping

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Authors note

Hi guys . This chapter is inspired by the song 'star shopping - by lil peep ' I've loves the song for a very long time and as of now it fits with the theme of the book , or at least this part of the book . Warning : This chapter contains triggering themes and mention of self harm and disturbing themes . Read at your own risk .

Enjoy .


Danny's POV :

It's been a chaotic day so far , and unfortunately it's only 10 am . It's raining , Melissa fell down the stairs , Jaycee spilled coffie all over my shirt , Arny got sick after going for a run in the rain yesterday , Matteo has been dead silent since the last time we met .

Now Brandon shows up to my office with bloody knuckles and a busted lip .

What a start to my day , and I havent had any caffeine . Proudly so .

"Brandon what the fúck happened !?" I asked him as he plopped down on the chair infront of my desk . He looked up as me and spoke a statement that had me worried I would not see my friend for 2-5 years . "Nurse , whore , hospital , bloody floor , wholes in wall , Marcey live ."

"First if all stop punching walls , secondly what happened to Marcey , thirdly what's the nurse's name ? " I asked him as I began looking for the med kit I forgot here last week after Jaycee began punching walls too .

"No ; Marcey is in the hospital right now and the nurse's name is Leslie . " he said as I walked over to him with the yellow box . "Tell me the whole story , I have about an hour . " I said to him while opening the bright container holding bandages and all sorts of medications .

And so the tale began .

Marcey's POV :

"Ma'am , I need you to hold on ok . Stay with me .... " That's all I remember hearing as the sound of small wheels squeaking , eco through the large white halls . Everything hurts and the worst part is I'm still here .

It's been about 2 days now and Matteo falls asleep here every night . Normally leaving at around 2 AM . I feel like Brandon might end up being pissed of at me because matteo is always with me .

Matteo , I hope your treating Brandon right . Arny I hope danny is happy now . Mother I hope you rot in the dark pits of hell and father ... I wish you feel every little bit of pain I've been through because of mother .

Danny's POV :

"Dude it's fúcking raining and you expect me to come outside ?" I said to Arny as his head rested atop mine . "Let's go bítch ." He said as he began to tug on my arms . With a small smile I said , " Your lucky I'm your bítch ."

Too can play that game my love .

His hands still harbouring the sweet and tender touch I ever so much desire . As the cold night air blew the rain onto my face , I walked with Arny towards a small shed . Well then , I'm dead .

"Arny if you wanted me dead you could have just left me by the river ." I said to him as he began to open the door . With a seductive smile he spoke . "Don't worry , you wont die yet . First I'll torture you in ways I see fit ."

So .

Many .

Lights .

In the little shed was a beautiful picnic like set up with a shít ton of fairy lights . To say I loved it would be an understatement . "So many lights ." I said to Arny as we sat down . He gave me a kiss on the forehead and in a whisper he spoke . "Though every light in this room could never compact to how much I love you ."

And that's my man .

**************2 hours later**************

An amazing night with the king of mischief . What more could I ask for , besides a nap . "Thank you for the amazing night sir Arnold , I appreciate it ." I said to him as he continued to play with my hair .

"The night is still not over yet my sweet dove ." Arny said as his one hand traveled from my thigh ever so slowly to my collarbone .

"What if I said it was over ?" I said whilst sitting I'm to loook at him . With a devilish look in his eyes he spoke .

"Then so be it my love ."

Attendez et voyez .

Hi my loves , I know I'm on and off here very long and I am trying to fix it therefore I have tried to update this for you lot .
Thank you for supporting and reading my book , please take care of yourselves and I love you my little cookie monsters


Baby Boy (dannyphantom.exe ,birlap ,brandonthelover, yanyandejesus)  Where stories live. Discover now