chapter 1 : chrystal clear

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Authors note

Hey guys I'm back again with another madness , just joking ..... all right now this chapter contains akward encounters and sub/dom kink . Please take note that
• yanyandejesus - Matteo
Also I will be using allot of italian phrases along with french and Russian , and a lil of everything in Africa so bare with me . Danny I'm sorry , well not really . In this storry your a switch so have fun .

This story takes place in ; Ritchards bay , RSA .


Danny's POV :

"Why the fúck wont you answer the phone you idiot ." I said while standing the bus stop . I had been waiting for Arny to come and fetch me from the optometrist , it had started raining when I left and Arny was yet to show up . For some reason I feel like he is either caught up reading a manga or yelling at a cat . None the less I'm fuming . I'd mean who wouldn't be , as of right now I'm stood here soaking wet with some random man . Well on the bright side it's raining . But this guy is creepy .

15 min later Arny shows up in a white Mercedes Benz ( ML 350 ) , a piece of my mind was to be given and it would be directly to him . Getting into the car I looked over to Arny who have me a sheepish grin . With venom laced in each and every one of my words I began my ' little ' rant . "Where the fúck were you , I was stood here looking like a lost and soaking wet puppy , why did you not answer my calls is another big one , now you give me a fúcking grin that you know is going to make me melt ?!! What the fúck !?" I yelled , but to my surprise he looked at me and put his index finger on my nose . Fúck .

"First of all my sweet , I was at home making dinner and around town trying to find you a comfy blanket . Secondly I did not answer your calls because my phone died and I let it to charge at home . Thirdly , I can alwase make it up to you when we get home baby boy ." He said with the sexiest smirk I have ever seen , painted on his rosy pink lips .

The drive back home was silent . With me looking out the window at the rain , and Arny focusing on the road . We had reached a red light and as we were waiting Arny rested his left had on my thigh . I turned to look at him , his eyes still glued to the road as we began to move once more . He began ever so softly rubbing small circles on my thigh , calming me down and allowing me to daydream once more .

Song for the next scene ~ Emiliana - ckay

Arny's POV:

My beautiful baby boy , he's just adorable when he's angry . His hair was soaking wet with raindrops coating his skin . Why he is so sexy right now I'm not sure , but I'm loving it .

Seeing as he was still very cross with me I thought it would be a good idea for us to get some muffins , but before that i do need to apologize . "Sweetheart , I really am sorry for not coming sooner , and I know you wont forgive me just yet but I am sorry ." I said to him while still rubbing his thigh . He leaned over to me and kissed my cheek before speaking , a alluring and sexy yet worrying sentence . "Its ok , but I dont forgive you just yet ." He said . Why I'm nervous all of a sudden makes no sence .

"Let's go get some muffins first , okay baby ." I said to him as I moved my had higher up his thigh . A soft sigh left his lips as I pulled into the parking lot at SHAZZ' TASTY TREATS . We both got out and walked into the shop , Danny got seated at the table while I ordered for him and I .

"Hi , may I please have a banana nut muffin , a chocolate muffin , one espresso and a cinnamon and clove latte ." I said to the woman behind the counter . She looked at me and gave me a flirtatious smile . At this point I could feel Danny's eyes burning a whole in the back of my head . I gave her a small smile and paid for our order . I walked back over to Danny and sat down , his eyes held a look of 'I'm bout to kill this bítch .' "Who the fuck does she think she is ?" He said while looking at the woman with a death glare that could kill the undead . Well then .

The girl came over with our order and gave me another flirtatious smile before leaving . Danny meanwhile had squeezed the glass with his late in it so hard it shattered . Dragging him by his arm we went to the bathroom while the girl cleaned up the broken glass and spilled coffie .

"Baby what was that , now look you have glass in your hands and you smell like coffie . " I said to him in a calm tone . He simply looked at me with eyes filled with worry . "Arny you would never leave me for some random tramp would you ?" He said as I continued to clean his hand and pick out the glass .

"Sweetheart I would never , I'm yours and your mine . Now shut the fúck up while I clean this up , well get a to go bag for the muffins . " I said to him as we walked out of the shop with the muffins in my right hand .

Before getting home we stopped by the pharmacy to get more bandages , Danny had fallen asleep . He looks adorable in this state . I do worry for him sometimes , I should really stop angering him . Then again life happens and so we move on .

Hi guys I know it's stupid to be doing this , but why not . I will be updating this book as much as possible ..... I will also be weighing more in my other books .... love you guys and please take care of yourselves .


Baby Boy (dannyphantom.exe ,birlap ,brandonthelover, yanyandejesus)  Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ