chapter 11 : Silver whine

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Authors note

Hi guys just to let you all know the updating of this book will slow down to almost non existent because my mental health has reached a very scary point . I've made a very huge effort to try and make it better but nothing is really working . I'm sorry , this chapter contains triggering themes for selective readers . Imma go let my barcode heal .

Danny's POV:

4 days . The question of who this Jessy character it has been on my mind for 4 days . The worst part of it being Arny avoiding the topic .

"Danny , pay attention . " said Jaycee , my co worker and long time friend . I guess the boardroom is not the right place to be thinking about this . Even though it's called a board room .

"Sorry , my mind is a bit of a mess as of right now ." I said to her in a whisper . Pinching my left arm she spoke . "Well clean it up because the boss has been asking questions directed towards you , and I'm tired of covering for you . Now pay attention . " she said . I swear sometimes having her around is a problem .

With a small smirk I replied , " Yes mother ." With a small smile she handed me a pen and for the next hour I continued to listen to the man I call my boss talk about customer complaints and improving the businesses financial situation .

Brandon's POV :

Dinner is made , house is clean , lord of the rings now on episode 7 of season 2 ; and Matteo is still not home . I called him earlier and he said he was visiting someone at the hospital . Choosing not to pry any further I let it be . It's almost midnight though . Where the fúck is he ?

5 min turn to 10

10 min turn to an hour

An hour turns to two

And now it's 5 am and I'm out of whine , gin and rum .

Just then , by the luck of venus ; Matteo arrives , shirt undone hair messed up with small purple marks on his neck . Who the Fúck was he with .

"Matteo , If you lie to me now ; just know you are dead . Who the Fúck were you with and what are those on your neck ?" With a sigh he spoke words I never expected , "I was at the hospital and a nurse told me if I didn't Fúck her she would make sure Marcey died . So I fúcked her in the broom closet and the marks on my neck are paint that I bumped into , while in the closet ." He turned around and I saw the dark red paint on the back of his shirt . Now I'm pissed for diffarent reasons .

"What's the nurse's name ?" I asked through gritted teeth , fists now clenched . " Leslie , her name is Leslie . She told me she'd be there all night long if I wanted to come for seconds ." He said while facing the floor .

That bítch .

That mother fúcking whore .

"I'll be back . " , I said to him before leaving the house with the car's keys in hand .

Arny's POV :

' Why the Fúck does Jessy keep calling st the weirdest times ? ' Because really yesterday she called me at 4:32 am . She wouldn't even be awake at that time unless she was trying to annoy me .

Well then speak of the devil and you step on his tail .

" Jessy , why the Fúck are you calling me? Don't you have anything better to do , like for instance sleep ?" I said to the annoying little ferret like woman over the phone .

"Well hi to you to Arny , and no I don't have anything to do..... do so I'm calling you . But this time I wanted to ask you a favor ." She said with a yawn following . A small sigh left my lips before I responded . " Yeah , sure what is it ?"

A small squeal could be herd over the phone .

Oh no .

"Ok so Danny has been looking really sad at work these days and he always smells like rosemary . So I was thinking you guys could go on a walk at the beach , since the weather is nice and all that . Just so both of you can relax and get out of the house . So how about it ?" She said and thereafter began panting , ferret woman has a tendency of talking without breathing so it's funny when it happens .

"Alright , it's a good idea and I'll see ; but do you promise not to call me so much anymore ?" I asked her , a tough decision I see . After a long silence she finalt spoke , "fine , I wont call as much . Only to check if both of ya'll are alive and taking care of yourselves ."

Very quickly I responded with maybe a little too much enthusiasm . "Deal , ok now bye Jessy . " A sigh of frustration quickly followed before she spoke . "For the last time it's Jaycee not Jessy ..... and bye ."

Hanging up I layed back in the bed , and began to think of ideas , on how to make me and Danny's date spesial .

Ah yes baby plums , I hope you have an amazing day or had an amazing day . I'm trying to fix things and get back to wrighting but it's a problem because putting my mind to it is hard and I know yall might not care for my excuses but I'm trying , I really am . Thank you lot for reading my books , there really are no words for how much I appreciate you guys


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