chapter 9 : Polaroids and cigarettes

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Authors note

No one smokes in this book , well that I know of  : / .


This chapter contains smut and word play some might find disturbing . Along with examples of fellatio , that should NOT be replicated without consent from both parties . You have been warned .

Enjoy .


Not edited.


Song for scene ~ bishop Briggs - River (slowed )

Danny's POV:

Normally I push away the people that I love the most (I'm taking the piss here people) , but I can't help but want more and more of Arny .

As he places his hand on my chin , the feeling like fire on my face . His eyes laced with lust and need .

Oh now I'm in control .

"Your so beautiful love , so beautiful ." He spoke in a breathy whisper . He continued to rub my bottom lip with this thumb , before leaning down and kissing me . A sweet soft kiss . A small moan leaving my lips .

"Remind me to apologise to the neighbors love ." Arny said with a smirk on his face before unzipping his jeans . Fúck .

Arny's POV :

Within moments Danny had his lips on my típ . With one hand in his hair and the other on the wall , my breathing now resembling the heartbeat of a bunny . Danny moaned as I pulled on the stark white mop , clumped up in my hand . Fúck

"Fúck~ , baby just like that ." Ever softly I whispered .

Tardily and teasingly he moved . His nails digging into my thighs ever so slightly .

Deeper I went into his troat , as he continued to move back and forth . His breath fanning my lower abdomen .

Close so close ......

All of a sudden Danny stopped and came back up to my face . "Revenge is an amazing thing , is it not sweetheart ?" He said with the smirk of a murderer painted on his lips , now slightly swollen . Touche .

Danny's POV:

Just as I began to walk towards the door , Arny pulled me back by my arm .

Within seconds I was now pinned against a wall , by a man known for being a danger to humanity . "Bad move love ." He said as he held my hands above my head .

"Bed ." Was all Arny said before disappearing into the bathroom . I mean I would love to if I could move , but unfortunately my body won't let me . Moments later he came back  ; shirtless holding a thick black rope . "Sweety . On the bed now ."

Disobedience is kind of fun . I mean what's the worst that could happen . "How about no ." I said with a smirk on my face then leaning on the wall  . Arny looked at me shocked , but that disappeared  ; and was then replaced by a devilish smirk . "Alright then ." He said .

Arny put the rope on the bed and walked over to me . With a smirk on his face that would have any person wanting him to ruin them . Grabbing onto the back of my neck , he pulled me closer and leaned into my ear .

"Disobedience is not something I appreciate  love , but I'll make an exception tonight . " he said as he lifted me by me thighs and pinned me to the wall . Now straddling his waist , I began kissing his neck and shoulders . Soft open mouthed kisses lain along his jaw as my hand ran down his back . His soft moans alike to music .

We moved from the wall , to the bed as I continued my assault on Arny's neck . Now sat on the bed , with me straddling Arny . I could feel his member on my inner thigh .

"Please ." Arny spoke in between his moans . "Please what love ?" I said in a soft whisper before nibbling on his earlobe . "Fúck me ." He said as he tilted his head back .

"As you wish my love ." I said whilst softly running my nails down Arny's back . Now laid down  on the bed I began kissing down his chest , to his stomach . Then finally approaching his manhood . Taking all of him in . Once more his hand was in my hair , tugging at it as he continued to moan even louder .

The dark angel before me , now cries out in pleasure ; only for me . Ever so desperate for a release . So alluring  . So amazing ; and ever so tantalising  .

Suddenly Arny's phone rang . "Don't stop ; please ." He said in an almost pleading tone . 'Jessy , who the fúck is jessy ?' I as I read the caller ID .

"So close , so close baby ." Arny said as his hand gripped my hair harder . A string of colourful curses littered the air .

Abruptly I came to a hault , leaving Arny breathless . Groaning in annoyance , he looked at me with need and anger laced in his eyes . "Why the fúck did you stop ?" He said with his hands in his hair .

Standing up off of the bed . A devilish smirk painted on my face , I spoke .

"All fours ; Now ."

Attendez et voyez

Hey lovies I mean I know it's been long but I'm having some problems with a couple of teachers..... so I thought I should at least try and update this book while editing the other one .... so here's a little something for tho all . The next chapter will be beginning with smut .... and dont worry . I'll add more to the story a little bit . 

Love youse my lil cookie monsters


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