chaprer 10 : substantiate

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Authors note

Hi guys take note that from this chapter onwards I will be making an effort to further the story like , so if you're only here for the smut I suggest you seek help or find a one shot somewhere to read in the mean time , but I will be finishing off the smut from last chapter . Be warned . Read through this if you wish.... other than that , enjoy . WARNING : this chapter contains mention of self harm and suicide which may trigger selective readers . Read at your own risk .


Brandon's POV :

Matteo's face , that shít eating grin he gave me the day he was with Danny on the beach . If only I could have punched him that very day . I hate this . The fact I love him made it a million times worse . I should really not be washing utensils right now .

"Baby , what are you thinking about ?" He said as he snaked his arms around my waist . Softly shaking my head I began to speak , " Nothing important . How was your meeting ?" He stiffened before kissing my cheek and repeating the words I've heard a million times . "Nothing important enough to bother you with lovely ."

So he was with Danny . Great .

"Mat , we need to talk . " I said as I turned to face him . His smile quickly turned into a frown before he spoke , "What about ?" Just as I was about to speak his phone rang . "Shít , sweetheart I'm sorry I have to take this ." He said as he swiftly answered and ran out of the house .

I wonder who died .

Matteo's POV :

Marcy why , why the fúck ... just why . This was all I could think as my mom explained what happened . I could have fixed it , I could have helped , I could have done something . I could have done ANYTHING to prevent this . Why , how . I can't loose her now .

As I arrived at the hospital I saw my mother and father standing there looking sad . Now I know for a fact that my mother could care less about my sister , and my father didn't even know she existed till right now .

I was all she had left in this fúcked up family and I hated it . Whenever she was around mother she would act just as mother wished ; just as stuck up and heartless as she was . The last time I saw them she looked so tired , and had multiple bruises and cuts on her arms hidden by gloves . If only I had tried to help , I could have done something . I could have prevented this .

************30 min later***********

A doctor walked over to us in the waiting room . With a long sigh he spoke ," Are you folk Marcella's family ?" I stood up and nodded in reply . Before I could speak another word , my mother jumped in with a very over-the-top scream . Well or something like a scream . "Doctor is my baby ok ?" She said , visibly wincing when saying the words 'my baby' . Typical .

The doctor looked over to me , then with a raised eyebrow spoke . "Well she is unconscious as of right now , but she is stable . As of right now we think it's best we leave her to rest . I'll allow one of you to see her as of now . " I thanked the doctor before he left .

Not even asking my parents who wanted to go first , I walked over to the room my sister was in . My sister .

Walking in I saw her on the bed . Oxygen mask on her face and bandages on her arms and hands . Her hair was still wet ; and she looked pale . "Dude , how the fùck could you even think of ding this . I'm sorry , I'm so fúcking sorry I should have been there , I could have been there . You needed me ; but I wasn't there . I'm sorry . I promise you this will never happen again ." I said to her sleeping body as tears streamed from my eyes onto the white covers that were on her legs . This will never EVER happen to her again , I won't let it ; I can't let it .

*Aiit here we go*

Danny's POV :

"Yes sir ." Arny spoke before getting on all fours . His dark orbes begging me to touch him . Slowly I ran my hands down his back . Small soft moans came from the dark prince before me . Fúcking amazing .

Slowly my hand crept around his waist reaching his member . "Just as you did hm?" I said to him as I began to pump his cóck . "Just like that huh baby ?" I said to him as I began moving faster . A panting mess before me ; lovely isn't it .

Arny's POV :

Breathing wasn't particularly the easiest thing to do in this moment . I mean fúcking héll .

Just as I was to approach climax , Danny stopped . If he does this one more fúcking time I might just kill him . Opening my eyes , in the reflection of the mirror I see the smirk on Danny's face . So fucking sexy but so fucking annoying .

Within moments I heard the sound of foil ripping . I felt his hands wrap around my neck , softly he began to kiss my shoulders and jaw ; slowly increasing the pressure on my neck . Resting my head on his shoulder I began to moan even louder as I felt his cóck enter my backside .

Pushing me back on all fours Danny began moving faster . The white haired devil muttering a string of colourful curses as he continued to Fúck me . "Fuck baby ; you feel so good ." He moaned out .

Danny's POV :

Arny moans alike a drug , and I'm fúcking addicted to it . So close . His reflection showing a flustered face , eyes closed , lips parted . Beautiful .

Arny's phone rang once more 'Jessy's calling him again , either it's an emergency or whoever's this bítch is , is desperate .' The sound of Arny's voice brought me out of my thoughts . "Fúck ." He moaned out as he came undone .

Arny laid breathless on my chest as I played with his hair . The only thought in my mind being 'who the fúck is Jessy ?'

Matteo's POV :

As I arrived home I saw Brandon on the couch watching some trash reality show . "Sweetheart you must really be bored hm ?" I said to him as I sat down next to him . He gave me a small smile and kissed my cheek before resting his head on my shoulder . "You said we needed to talk before I left . What's going on baby?" I said to him while running my hand through his hair .

"Yeah um , we do need to talk . " he said before sitting up and looking at me with a look that read disappointment .

"Listen , I know that you've been leaving me here at home to go see Danny . Every third meeting you have to ho to is always with Danny . What hurts more is that he is my best friend and I have no idea if your fúcking him or not and honestly I hate it . So I need you to be honest with me . Do you love him more than me or are you trying to split him and Arny ? Do you even fúcking love me at this point ? Just tell me . Please ." He said as tears began to brim his eyes .

Ashamed was all I felt . Bowing my head I spoke . "Brandon , I don't love him more than you . Me and Danny have known each other a very long time and I've grown to enjoy his company . Of course I've touched him on many occasions , but if has never gone beyond kissing him . I'm sorry I made you feel worthless and I promise to never make you feel like that ever again . I'm sure you wont forgive me any time soon , but do know that I truly am sorry ." I said before holding his hands .

For the rest of the night we watched cheesy romance movies , whilst I continued to think about Marcey . Eventually Brandon fell asleep and soon after I joined him in dream land . Only hoping my love will forgive me for what I have done . Hoping Marcey is ok . Hoping my parents rot in the deepest darkest pit within the seventh layer of héll .

Hi ma babies , I skipped my school's spring dance to do my hair and wright this for you guys . I hope you lot enjoyed the chapter and any suggestions of people you would like me to wright about may be added into the comments . I actually do read them all shocking enough . Hope you guys are having a wonderful day and please take care of yourself.... don't be like me . Love you ma lil Cookie monsters .


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