Chapter One

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Chapter One

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes



Music blasted throughout the bar, cheers barely being able to reach the greenette's ears as beer splashed across his stage. He struggled to keep his footing as the black heels slipped on the slippery liquids. He gently swayed his hips, mind foggy with different thoughts. Only, he was snapped out of his trance when a rough hand pressed itself on his shoulder, leading him to turn around and face his manager. 

"Deku, it's Uravity's turn now. You're up to the stalls... 2 clients are already waiting." The dark-haired man mumbled, walking off back into the backstage. The small male looked around, lustful glares planted onto his body. He bowed, a fake yet realistic smile sliding itself onto his lips as he clumsily walked down the stage and through the set of dark purple curtains. 




"Katsuki-? What're you doing home so early?" Mitsuki exclaimed, eyes landing on her son. 

"It was a slow day. My boss let me off early." The blonde spoke, neatly placing his shoes on the carpet. The 23-year-old sighed, hanging his coat onto the rack as he went into the kitchen to greet his elderly mother. He gently placed his hands on her shoulders, pressing a soft kiss on her cheek. He and his parents had always had a rough relationship, until he started working. He came to a point where he realized that his family is far more important than he thought it was, and did everything in his power to patch things up. That's the only reason they get along, to this day. 

"What're you cooking?" The blonde male asked, eyes trailing off at the pan his parent was stirring. 

"Curry." She mumbled, looking up to her son. "Want to help?" She asked, knowing damn well that he loved to cook. A smile immediately appeared on Bakugou's face, leading her to let go of the dish and let her child take over. 

"Slow day, huh? Was there any tough customers, at least?" She questioned, making her way to the sink to wash her hands. She glanced over to the younger adult, who simply shrugged in response. 

"Nah. Everything was fine." He mumbled, picking at the food with his utensil. 

"That's good. You look exhausted, though. You've been working big shifts, lately, baby. You should probably take some time off for yourself. When was the last time you and Eijirou had fun, huh?" The woman spoke, wiping her hands on her apron, leaning back on the counter. 

"Mom, we both have jobs. I'm off, this weekend. But he works night shifts. I'll probably end up going out somewhere." The ash-blonde muttered, looking over to the woman. Mitsuki smiled, nodding. 

"I see. You should probably plan something with him, though. I'm sure he'd love to hang out again with you." She sighed, shrugging. The woman scoffed as she witnessed her son's twisted face. She knew her son would rather be alone, and she was fine with that. But she also wanted him to have a healthy social life, too. "Well- You take care of this. I'll go check on your father, before he overworks himself... I swear, I'm surrounded by workaholics." She cackled, walking off into a hallway. Bakugou smirked as he shook his head, stirring the vegetables around in the pan. 

His mother had a point. He had been spending a lot of time at work, lately. Over 50 hours per week, it's a little too much. Although, it gives him a good pay... Only, he has nothing to spend it on. That's the main reason he's got over ten thousand yen in his savings account. His mother had suggested on finding a partner and spending some money with them, on housing, pets, kids... A life. But Bakugou wasn't interested in anybody, at the moment. Hell, he hadn't even gotten laid in almost a year. As a teenager, he'd sleep with anybody who was okay with it. But now, he's an adult; old enough to start his own family. And deep down, even though he won't say it aloud, he just wants to meet somebody and settle down. Have children, get married... That kind of stuff. 

"Supper's ready." Katsuki called, setting down a few plates onto the dinning table. The blonde glanced up, hearing footsteps through the halls, as well as his parents' voices. He quietly sat down, listening to their rambling as they both joined him at the table. 

"Thank you, kiddo." Mitsuki eventually spoke, looking over to Bakugou, who had already started eating. The blonde nodded, eyes landing on his parents. Ever since he was a kid, his mother had been strict with him. That is, until he fixed things up. Same goes for his father, Masaru. They had never had the best father-son relationship, until Katsuki came along and tried to fix his family's bond. It's a good thing he did, too. 

"I'm thinking about going out, tonight. I'm off tomorrow, so I was planning on staying out late. I heard there's a new movie in the theatres, too." The 23-year-old explained, earning interested looks from his parents. 

"That's a good idea. What movie would you go to see?" Masaru questioned, before taking a bite of his curry. Katsuki smirked, shaking his head. He knew it was a kid's movie, but it was also his childhood. 

"There's a new All Might movie I haven't had the chance to see. So, that." Bakugou chuckled, earning smiles from both older people. 

"I see. You're going to come home, straight after, right?" The older male asked, nervously picking at his food. Katsuki scoffed, looking up to his father in disbelief. This is the way he had always been. His mother, being strict and careless, while his father was careful and kind. Opposites attract..? 

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry. I won't stay up past 10." The blonde mocked, a smile forming on his father's face. He knew his son was going to stay up as much as he wanted, even if he told him he shouldn't. Katsuki had always had a way, with getting what he wanted. Which isn't too bad, once you think about it. It can be a quality, just as much as it can be a flaw. 

"Alright. Just be careful." The brown-haired man sighed, fixing his glasses before continuing to ingest his food. 



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