Because some paths, the learned man had come to understand, are simply written in the stars.


It would be several days before the King opened his eyes to the world again...

Did he sense that it was his omega's gentle hands that had changed his wound's dressing thrice a day? Had sponged him tenderly clean? Had patiently spooned nourishing seaweed broth between chapped lips? Had slept at his side with arm outstretched across his chest in purest armoured protection...?

"Thank Gods", Orion had bear hugged his young brother-in-law upon discovering him that first morning - but, "Gods protect you, cuz", Esen had countered under his breath.

"I offer my apology, to Mongkul" - Narong's bow low to the ground in the misery of remorse - "Once he knew something was amiss, the Queen's mind could simply not be influenced to stay. He said he would either escape to stand at Solaris' side solo, or better with my assistance. And I couldn't leave him alone, not when he's..."

Yes, it would be several days before the King opened his eyes to the world again - but when at last he did, he was renewed.

It was just past dawn that he stirred. Clumsily stretching limbs awaking Gulf too, as at last their galaxy eyes could gaze in earnest.

"I'll fetch the doctor" younger fixing to rise but-

"-Wait. Let me hold you in my arms first, while all is still quiet"

Broad shoulders' arms outstretched in hoarse invitation.

"Your wound? The scarring is still young"

"I can barely even feel it now" - lies - "Come, Gulf"

Folding the omega in against himself, heart to heart...

And there it was again, that new scent. Not a tuoksu on its own, as such, but rather a golden, nectar sweetness, an unmistakable sunshine glow between them there.

Could it be...?

Without words exchanged, the younger unbuttoning his oversized, soldier's jacket, lying back, waiting, in the King's arms as he felt the elder's hand begin to travel.

Like a sculptor, lovingly smoothing out warm, supple clay - fingers wandering, tracing atop cotton undergarment, over collarbone, past protruding ribs guarding galloping heart...

Mew's lids drifting closed as Gulf watched wide-eyed, the every minutiae of his facial expressions in the soft-focus caress of early sunlight through tent's fabric. Slight tension quivering his jawline, breaths quickening then held in anticipation, nostrils flaring: Did he know?

As the hand journeyed on, leaving chest behind to venture to the omega's middle at last. And sure enough, there, where there had been a little, lovely softness with which to play, now instead the beautiful, fruitful firmness of a swell - a house become a home.

Breath exhaled all at once, eyes open, interlocked:

"So it was real?"

Both of Solaris's palms flat against his wife's belly, then. Stroking - staring - as if to say 'Did we sculpt this most precious piece?'.

Ciel, blushes, angling upwards to whisper into his ear:

"It seems your seed has taken, for our child grows within me, bigger every day"

"I found it, 'Mama's Pearl'", Mew was suddenly faraway, back on the bleakest beach where a little hand had helped him homewards, and then with a blink, there in the tent again, to beam between kisses to the very tip of his Queen's nose:

"Our son"


A/N: Thanks for your patience. Next chapter in 2-3 days!
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 Next chapter in 2-3 days!Ctto of pic:

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