My heart felt a little guilty, but he obviously provoked me first into doing those things. I was only protecting myself. Besides, I was so big-hearted that I saved his life and let him live in happiness for many more years. He should be grateful. In fact, he should be the one who owed me a favor.

I hadn’t yet finished comforting myself when I saw Chu Kong pull out a red whip. Aside from his loud shout, he didn’t say anything and flung the whip in my direction. I was stunned. Looking at his face, the same exact face as Lu Hai Kong’s, my legs refused to move.

The whip grazed my neck. The burning pain brought me back to reality. I touched my neck. There was blood on my fingers. The whip must’ve cut my skin open. I lifted my head and looked at Chu Kong. Chu Kong was a little surprised when he saw that he really hit me.


He frowned and shouted: “Are you an idiot? Such a slow whip and you couldn’t dodge it?”

I also frowned: “You hit me and yet you dare shout at me?”

“Who…Who knew that you couldn’t dodge it.”

Indeed, I could’ve dodged the whip. The one I couldn’t dodge was Lu Hai Kong.

I walked to him. I didn’t care if I could beat Chu Kong or not; I just grabbed his sleeve and said: “You, short-lived ghost, it was a waste of my life to save you.”

Chu Kong was stunned for a moment, then he frowned and fiercely said: “Who wanted you to save me?!”

He paused for a moment. A strange emotion came into his eyes and then it turned into anger.

“You actually still dare to mention that lifetime to me! How dare you…”

He choked: “How dare you let me…”

For a while, He couldn’t continue to say a thing, so I said: “I was thinking that we wouldn’t have to see each other again after this lifetime. You didn’t live a long life. Wasting all my efforts. How could you die?”

I suddenly remembered what Lu Hai Kong said when I died. I shouted angrily: “Very good, no wonder when I was dying you said that we’d meet again in the next lifetime and next, next lifetime! You were fucking putting a curse on me! You wicked man!”

Chu Kong’s face paled. He also grabbed my sleeve and said: “You’ve already been in the Netherworld for many years and yet you didn’t go to reincarnate! It’s obviously you who has an ulterior motive. You also want to be entangled with me in the next lifetime! You insidious woman!”


I pointed at the pot full of soup and said: “Boiling soup for more than ten years is called insidious?! If you, little son of a bitch, didn’t cause a mess in the Netherworld, would I need to suffer this punishment?!”

“I caused a mess in the Netherworld?”

At the mention of that, Chu Kong got angrier. His loud tone of voice changed to a scary soft voice: “I innocently did five years of hard labor. In the end, you dare to say that it’s my fault! Soup of Oblivion… you still dare to mention the Soup of Oblivion?!”

The grip on my hand tightened. I only felt it turn numb.

I panicked and exclaimed: “What do you want to do?! What do you want to do?!”

Chu Kong dragged me to the bridge. While he was dragging me he picked up a bowl of soup. The ghosts around us feared the aura Chu Kong was emitting.

After twenty years of peace, the Netherworld was in chaos again.

Chu Kong grabbed my jaw and forced my mouth open. He smiled coldly and poured the soup into my mouth: “In the past lifetime, you escaped before drinking this, which made me live a bleak and desolate life. In this lifetime, you can’t escape.”

His power was on a higher level than mine. I couldn’t move even the slightest bit. I could only gurgle and spit the soup out of my mouth.

Chu Kong seemed to be obsessed with making me drink the soup. The more I spit, the more he poured. I drank bowl after bowl.

“This will make up for what you did in the past lifetime. This lifetime, don’t even try to escape!”


While I was gulping the soup down, I severely scolded him. Now I wished that I had trained in any kind of arts. Something that could make the person in front of me suffer. Something that’d crush my enemies’ bones, crushing them till they were nothing but powder!

I didn’t know how many bowls of soup I drank. Distantly, I heard the shout of the magistrate. Chu Kong flew over the bridge and went into the reincarnation circle.

This…this little bastard! He dared to copy me!

He remembered! He had all his memories! How dreary would my next life be?!

That was nothing. The real bad news was when the panicked magistrate said: “Hurry! Lift the Cloud Fairy! Drinking too much of the Soup of Oblivion will make her an idiot after reincarnation!”

I lied on the ground and awkwardly burped. I just wanted to call some beautiful girls to have them do a beautiful campaign.


She’s playing again with words. 卧槽,尼玛 ( cáo, ní ) it sounds like “I fuck your mother.”


I was thinking when translating this that she just can’t keep her mouth shut. If she did that Chu Kong would’ve probably forgiven her. Silly her.

The Netherworld has the same time as the human world. One year in the Netherworld is one year in the human world. While one year in the human world or Netherworld is one day in heaven.

Seven Unfortunate Lifetimes (Love You Seven Times)Where stories live. Discover now