"What?"I say with a sigh at the disorganize kitchen, Fatima surely is reckless in kitchen,
I sigh and exit the kitchen,
I grab the plates with the dry looking semo on the plate and the black looking soup before heading to the kitchen,
I begin clearing the dirty plates and arrange them by the sink as i mentally make a note to call the handyman to come carry our broken dishwasher tomorrow,
I don't know how long i have been in this kitchen but by the time I'm done clearing everything to my taste it's 8pm, I decide to head upstairs and pray before coming down to round up cleaning the house and maybe cook some noodles for myself,

I enter my bedroom satisfy by how nice it scent i glance at Abu who's laying on the bed just staring at the ceiling, I enter the bathroom, do my business and perform my ablution before coming out grabbing the black hijab hagging in the closet before coming back to the bedroom.

"Nanah have you cooked?"Abu ask and i shake my head laying the prayer mat on the carpet.

I spend my time praying and telling the only person that have solution to my problems to solve them for me, once I'm done i exit the bedroom with a sigh, the absence of Abu is a sign he left while i was praying.

I grab the broom from the kitchen and begin sweeping the parlour even do there isn't anything to sweep.

Abu come out fr the kitchen with another bottle of yoghurt and i shake my head, I take my time to sweep, mop and dust around the parlour before turning on my turaren wuta burner, i add some of the "Dubai chips" and "sandal rose" the two combine together always give the perfect scent you could imagine.

I head back to the kitchen deliberating on what to cook I decide to fry some chips for myself, tomorrow i will cook a healthy meal for everyone, I'm too tired for that this night.

Abubakar POV

Not to exaggerate but this shit my wife always put in that burner sometimes turn me on, the scent are just so unique, whoever that lady is who run the "kgujba incense palace" surely is good at what she those and i believe every woman should learn to scent good, I push all thoughts regarding the ladies scent and sigh,

I decide to go check on Fatima, I haven't seen her since she dish that tasteless food to me, I know i sound rude but I couldn't help I was soo hungry, I push her bedroom door open and shake my head with a sigh,
Why can't she just place everything bin order, I look at the floor and she's Laying sleeping and i wonder if she has pray, I kneel and tap her on the arm.

"Fati."I call but she just grumble incoherently and continue sleeping making me to sigh as i vigorously shake her.

"Wake up.
have you pray?"I ask and she sit upright scratching her eyes tiredly as a yawn escape her mouth.

"What time is it?"she ask and i mutter 8:38pm Making her to sigh.

I watch as she sluggishly stand up and walk to the bathroom making to sigh, I leave the stuffy distorted bedroom and head back downstairs, I'm sure by now Nanah would have cook something, to my suprise the parlour light is off a sign Nanah us done for the day, I turn on the light from the switch by the staircase and i look at the empty dinning table, I decide to check the microwave maybe Nanah drop my food there, I head to the kitchen, I look at how neat it is and sigh, Nanah certainly can put things in order, I open the microwave and there's nothing Making me to sigh and head back upstairs.

"Nanah."I call opening the door but she's not there,
there is a tray of covered food and a mug Making me to smile, the sound of water from the bathroom is a sign she's in there, I sit and decide to enjoy the food which I'm certain it's mine, I open the plate with a sigh, even do it's not something i want at the moment especially with how hungry I am but atleast it's manageable, I grab the fork and begin eating the chips with egg sauce as i sip on the creamy tea.

"Abu."Nanah call halfway after I start eating making me to look up.
She collect the spoon from my hand with a hiss.

"What's this nonsense,
When did you start eating chips for dinner?"she scold like she's my mother as i look at her confuse.


"I cooked this for myself."she say and close the plate and collect the mug from my hand, she drop it on the tray and pick it grumbling to herself and drop it on the couch.

I watch as she head back to the closet before I sigh, I stand up and follow her to the closet.

"So now what do you mean?
That i don't have the right to eat in my own house or what?"I say and she just ignore me, dropping the towel on the floor and put on her the polka dotted pyjamas onesies.

"I'm talking to you Nanah."I say and she sigh shaking her head clearly not even paying attention to me.

"Nanah."I call and she turn.

Abu i say I didn't cook for you,
I'm not in the mood to cook anything for you especially this night,
Excuse me."she say and brush past me to the bedroom.

I try to process what's going on and shake my head before walking to bedroom where she's casually eating the food without a care.

"Nanah why are acting this way?
I married Fatima doesn't mean you will have the guts to be disrespectful to me I'm still your husband."I say and she look up at me.

"I don't care Abu whoever you marry,
If you want to marry extra two the door is open and it's your house i won't stop you, none of them are sitting on my head."she say and hiss making me to shake my head before leaving the bedroom, because if i continue talking it won't be long before I will snap and say something that we will be both upset.

I head to Fatima's bedroom to sleep and i open the door suprise to see her eating, it's the jellof rice I guess from this morning, she glance at me and turn her gaze back to her phone screen without saying a word, I look at the bed with a sigh and lay down,

Fatima and i will need to speak seriously about hygiene I'm not going to tolerate this dirty and lazy behavior in my house, with my eyes close yet my mind far away I feel the bed dip and i open my eyes.

"Fatima."I call looking at her confuse and she turn.

"Aren't you going to shower?"I ask because she smell like the food she just finish eating.

"I'm tired,
Beside i just shower like 2pm this Afternoon,
The AC is on and I'm not even sweating."she say and lay on the bed grabbing the duvet with a sigh.

"Goodnight,.please turn off the light the switch is closer to you."she say without a care and I just stare baffle.

Did she even pray before sleeping?
I turn off the light and lay quietly on the bed, Nanah always scent nice,
She is one of the most hygienic person i know, she's always scenting good,
I don't know for how long i have been thinking but a heavy sleep probably knocked me out unexpected.

You can contact "kgujba incense palace" at 08165391094
@mention aFatymayna on IG

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