Chapter 10: The Warehouse

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After teleporting out of the Space Fox Society, Mephiles ended up hurdling towards earth and when he opened his eyes he noticed he was in the sky, falling and getting closer to the ground. By the time he got closer to the ground, an animal control truck was coming and Mephiles closed his eyes again and braced for impact as he ended up hitting the truck really hard with his head and he ended up skidding on the road and went unconscious. The truck swerved after Mephiles hit it and came to a complete stop. Then two men got out of the truck to investigate what happened and they noticed they had a broken headlight. But they mostly noticed Mephiles and one of them went to take a closer look.

"What do you think it is?" said Ryan.

"I think it's some kind of fox or a dog of some kind," said Hunter.

"Do you think it's still alive?"

"Not sure. It did fell out of the sky."

Hunter put his hand on Mephiles to see if he was still breathing.

"It's still alive!"

"Really? How can that be?"

Ryan came closer to see if his friend was right.

"Maybe we should take it with us. It could be even more valuable than the animals we have in the truck," Ryan said as he noticed the odd colorings.

"We don't even know if it'll last the trip. It did take a pretty good hit to the head."

"Oh, come on. Let's take a chance. It could be worth a lot of money."

"Fine. I'll go get a cage to put it in."

Hunter ran back to the truck and got a cage that would hold a small dog, while Ryan picked up Mephiles and waited for his friend to return. But when he did, Mephiles shifted in his arms and fell unconscious again. Ryan was scared when he started moving but sighed in relief when he stopped. When Hunter came back with the cage Ryan gently put Mephiles in it and locked it. Then Ryan picked up the cage and put it in the back of the truck with the other caged animals and they both got back into the truck and continued to their destination.

After a two mile drive, they finally arrived at their destination. A warehouse that is going to be a literal hell hole for the Ultimate Lifeform.

Three hours later, Mephiles woke up with a massive headache and he felt something around his neck. He reached up and felt a metal collar securely fastened with a tag on it.

"ID #235-1?" said Mephiles.

He then got a sudden look around and saw that he was in some kind of cell; a cell with three steel walls and in front of him was a glass wall.

Mephiles had no idea where he was or how he got there, so he decided to use his alarm call so that Jared would come, Jared didn't come. He tried it again and Jared still didn't come. Mephiles was starting to worry and thought Jared couldn't hear him, so he went to the back of his cell and ran into the glass wall, hoping to break it, it didn't. So he tried again and it still didn't break. He was about to try again till he realized he was being watched. People in lab coats were watching him and scribbling things down onto their clipboards. Mephiles walked up to the glass and started tapping on it to get them to stop.

"Hey! What are you doing? Let me outta here."

But that only seemed to intrigue them even more.

"Is it trying to say something?"

"It sure looks like it. And it seems to be quite angry."

"Very unusual for it to show emotions."

"Well, now that we see it's alive I want it taken to the infirmary for blood tests."

"Right away, Professor Scarlett."

Then all of the humans left and Mephiles saw that he was being ignored or not being heard at all due to the thick glass. He wasn't sure on what to do but he wanted to try to break the glass again. But before he could, he heard a scraping sound behind him and saw that the steel wall was rising. He went to it and waited for it to rise a little higher; he saw a human's hand reaching out to grab him and he bit the human's wrist so hard that the human pulled him out with him still hanging on. The human tried to get him off but he just kept on biting even harder till blood started gushing out and went into his mouth that he quickly let go and spat the blood out. Mephiles never tasted blood before and he clearly didn't like it; he just kept spitting till the taste was out of his mouth.

"That is disgusting! How can animals like this?"

(AN: Please listen to this as you read. Skip to 1:14 and stop when you get to the end of the chapter.)

Everyone was shocked when they heard him talk and the one that was injured yelled at them to catch him. Aware of what they were about to do, Mephiles quickly ran to the door but realized it required a key card and a code. But then a guard opened the door and he zipped by him and began to run. The humans quickly ran out the door and tried to catch him.

"Quick! Capture it! Shoot it if you have to!"

More guards came carrying paralyzing guns and tried to shoot him when they saw an opening. Mephiles was very quick on his feet and he managed to fling the darts back at them. He even began to run on two feet and started shooting ice onto the floor and went back on running on all fours. The guards ran onto the ice and slipped and fell, giving Mephiles more time to escape.

After five minutes of running and searching for an exit, Mephiles finally found one but it had an electrical lock on it that required a key card and he was too short to reach it. So Mephiles tried to reach it by standing on his tippy toes on his hind legs, but he didn't know the humans finally caught up to him. One of the guards shot a dart and it made its mark into Mephiles' leg and it was paralyzed. Realizing what just happened, Mephiles shot lightning at the lock and fried it and that was when the guard shot another dart and it went into his other leg, making him fall to the floor. He fought futilely as they came and lifted him onto a metal table, rolling it into a white room that smelled strongly of chemicals. For all his effort, all he earned was a tranquilizing dart in the neck knocking him out almost immediately.

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