Chapter 2: Project Ultimate Lifeform

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The next day, Jared told his brother everything he was thinking. The problem with the animals and how he wanted to create something that can solve everyone's problems. Jerry didn't quite understand how they were going to create such a thing, but he was on board. So they both went to go see their grandfather and asked him if he could fund the project. Their grandfather agreed, but only if they hand it over once it's created. Jared wasn't sure what he wanted with it, but he agreed and his grandfather gave him $15 million dollars and permission to use a government facility to create it in. They were so happy that they quickly gathered equipment and went to the facility. Jared even went to his work and told his fellow scientists that they now have something to do.

After they got all the equipment and the people they needed, Jerry started thinking on what they should call the project and what form it should take. Jared began thinking about it and came to the conclusion that they should call it; Project: Ultimate Lifeform. Everyone agreed and then, it was time to figure out what form it should take on. Some of them suggested it should take the form of a robot. Denied. Others thought it should take the form of a human, which means they would have to transform an actual human into a dangerous weapon. Denied. Then, Jerry thought it should take the form of an animal. Jared thought about it and agreed. And he knows the perfect animal it should take the form of . . . a fox.

So, he told a few of the scientists to gather some DNA of a fox and to bring it back here. While he waited, he got some of the other scientists to build a prototype for the project, but they didn't have enough room in the facility to build the prototype in. This got Jared thinking; maybe they could build it in space, but they would need some sort of space station of course and they would also need a lot more money in order to go to space and build the space station. So, Jared decided to finally reopen the arena for the animal fights and he would try to attend them as much as possible, due to all the work he has to do on the project. While Jared was gaining money from the animal fights, Jerry went to some astronauts and asked them to go ahead and build the space station. And he paid them with the money he got as an assistant to the police station. The astronauts agreed and got a rocket to go to space and began construction on the space station.

When Jared got word of this, he just couldn't believe that his brother did that, but yet he was happy that he did. Now the process of finishing the project can go along a bit faster. Three weeks later, the space station was complete and they decided to call it the Space Fox Society. So Jared and the other scientists got into a rocket and flew to the space station and started working on the prototype. There were a lot of mechanical parts and it was starting to get really tall. Jared wasn't sure what the scientists were making as the prototype, but he didn't bother to ask questions. But he ended up getting some ideas if anything was to go wrong. He began to build a secret room and a secret weapon he called, The Plasma Gun. It didn't take him long to build the room or the weapon, since a few of the scientists came in to help and it only took them about four days. But the weapon needed a power source of some kind and Jared wasn't sure where he was going to get it.

On earth, Jerry was looking around the house, since he didn't go to the Space Fox Society with his brother. After two hours of looking around, he spotted something underneath the carpet in the living room. When he lifted the carpet up he found a secret door and he wasn't sure where it led too, but he wanted to investigate. So, he grabbed a flashlight, lifted the secret door, and went inside. And what he finds is a lot of stuff that was left by their parents. A bunch of old photos, bikes, some old books, a gun rack, and what really interested him was a small old box. He picked it up, opened it, and he saw six shiny pointy objects. Each in a different color: red, blue, purple, green, orange, and white. There was also a note attached to it and it said . . .

Dear boys,

Over the years, there have been strange things happening all over town. And when me and your mother went to investigate, we found a shiny pointy object. We didn't know what it was or where it came from, but we took it home and looked it up on the computer. Apparently, a long time ago, there were six shiny pointy objects called Power Crystals and they had unlimited power. They were used to power up machines back in the day, but they also had elemental powers: fire, water, wind, nature, lightning, and ice. And when they were brought together a miracle would happen and then they would just disappear. For years, people have been finding them again and again. And we finally found them again after searching for them and we decided to keep them in a box and hide them away in a secret room we had in the house. And now, we pass its power over to you two. Use them well and don't let anyone take them, cause in the wrong hands it could lead to a disaster.


Mom & Dad

After reading the letter, Jerry just couldn't wait for Jared to come home so he could tell him what he had found.

Back up in the Space Fox Society, everyone got ready to return to earth and the prototype wasn't quite ready yet so Jared was a little disappointed to go back home, now that he has so much work to do with the project, the prototype, and the Plasma Gun. As soon as he got home, he was greeted by a super excited Jerry who was holding something in his hands when he saw him. Jerry waited for his brother to sit and he quickly told him what he found. The secret door under the carpet, all of the old stuff that was in there, but most importantly the box that had the Power Crystals and the letter. Jared read the letter and was so happy that Jerry found it. Now that he has his power source for the Plasma Gun, he just could not wait to go back to the Space Fox Society.

Two months later, it was time to go back to the Space Fox Society and Jerry went with him this time. Once they got there, Jared quickly went to the secret room where the Plasma Gun was being kept and he tested the power source. And the Plasma Gun was finally powered up and was ready to be used, but Jared didn't want to use it just yet so he took the Power Crystals out and put them back inside the box and put it inside his coat pocket. Then, he went to see if the prototype was almost finished and it was actually complete, thanks to Jerry. The prototype looked like a giant robotic T-rex. Jared wasn't sure how this could be the prototype when the actual thing is going to look like a fox, but he guessed it could work. For days, they tested it out; its movements and its powers. And now, Jared decided to use the prototype as a safety mechanism, in case something goes wrong with the plan to destroy the animals. Because, underneath the secret room there was a shrine to the Power Crystals and if anyone tries to remove them, the prototype would come down from above and attack whoever is trying to remove them. And if the prototype is ever defeated, it would teleport and attach itself to the Space Fox Society and make it hurl towards earth, destroying everything within it.

Since everything was finally complete in the Space Fox Society, it was time to return home and get started on Project: Ultimate Lifeform, but they still had to wait for the other scientists to come back with the fox DNA. Although, for the last few weeks, Jared fell in love with another young scientist named Scarlet. She really despised animals as much as he did and that's what he liked about her. They've been going out after the first week of working on the project and they've been getting to know each other a lot. Scarlett learned why Jared hates animals, about his brother, and his fascination with foxes. And Jared learned that Scarlett likes to experiment on animals for the better of mankind, about her nephew who likes hanging out with him, and her fascination with wolves. And that was when they realized they both had an animal they only tolerated.

Finally, the three scientists returned with the fox DNA and it was time to get back to work. But they brought DNA of three different breeds. The fur and blood of a red fox, arctic fox, and silver fox. Jared didn't mind there were other fox DNA besides the red one, he just hopes it doesn't affect how it'll look. So they put the DNA into the machine and Jared even took his own blood and put it into the machine. Jared also took the Power Crystals out of his pocket and put them in the machine as well, so that it can have the powers of the Power Crystals. He also typed in another power it could have, teleportation. Now it was time to start up the machine and create the Ultimate Lifeform. After 30 minutes, the machine stopped and something came out of it. It was a baby fox with dark brown fur.

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