Chapter 11: Tod

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Meanwhile, a young 11 year old boy named Tod was riding his bike to the warehouse for his job as a veterinarian assistant. He would always take care of the animals at the warehouse if they were ever sick or hurt. But sometimes, he wished he could take care of an animal that was so unique since most of the animals were ordinary, but he didn't know his wish was about to come true. He arrived at the warehouse, parked his bike, went inside and grabbed his lab coat and went to see his aunt. When he found her in the infirmary she stopped him from going any further into the room.

"Is something wrong, aunt Scarlett?" Tod asked.

"Tod, what I'm about to show you is a special case here. I want you to be very careful with it and conduct all the tests that I've written down here," said Scarlett.

"Just how special is this case, if I may ask?"

"See for yourself." The guards and other scientists moved aside, revealing an unconscious odd looking fox.

Seeing the odd looking fox, the only thing Tod thought was, "What have I gotten myself into?"

Later, Mephiles woke up back in his cell feeling dizzy and having a skull crushing headache. Lifting an arm to massage his aching head, his eyes spotted something that made them widen in response. Patches of fur on his paws were missing; he took a look at his back and saw a patch of his red fur missing too. There was even a patch of black fur missing on his tail as well. Now he was sure he looked like a total mess.

What were those guys doing to me?" he said as he suddenly felt something weird in his chest.

He put a paw over his chest and felt something pumping inside. He had never felt that before and it made him panicked that he used his alarm call to call for Jared. But then he stopped when he heard something rising from beneath the floor.

It was a panel with a tray coming up and it had a bowl of water and a bowl of food. Mephiles was so glad to see the bowl of water that he quickly drank half of it, since his mouth still had the taste of blood in it. But when he took a look at the other bowl, he wasn't sure what was in it. It was red chunks of rabbit meat and just by the look of it, it only made Mephiles disgusted. He sniffed it and didn't even like how it smelled. He was hesitant to give it a lick, but when he did he quickly drank the rest of his water.

"That's just nasty! How can animals eat this?!" he said as he realized he got unwanted attention.

He tried his best to ignore them, turning his back to them. Instead of discouraging them however, this seemed to intrigue them greatly and they stayed much to his dismay.

"Is there anything to report today so far?" Scarlett asked her fellow scientists.

"Well, he does seem more sluggish today and he refuses to eat," said one of the scientists.

"He doesn't want to eat? But I thought one of you told me that foxes love to eat rabbits!"

"Normal foxes, yes, but obviously this is a special case."

"He's a special case all right. I would like you all to keep feeding him different variations until we can figure out what it is that he likes to eat."

"Yes ma'am!" said all of the scientists within the room.

Meanwhile, a young veterinarian was in the infirmary once more. The events of the day before haunted his mind, the creature he had examined before was not an ordinary one for sure. He was used to dealing with ordinary animals like dogs and cats, but he never expected to find something so . . . unique. What fascinated him the most though was the fact it looked like it had human abilities. This led him to wonder if it could reason and think like a human being as well, and if it really did have the ability to speak. Obviously confused on the whole matter, he shook his head hoping to clear his mind as he set out to give all the animals their daily shot of vitamins. Tod wanted to check on him since he had slept straight through an entire day. but he felt his heartbreak when he saw him sitting huddled in a corner of his cell.

The Ultimate LifeformOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora