Chapter 5: Exploring

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Another year later, Mephiles is three years old now and Jared thought it would be a good time to teach Mephiles how to hate animals. So they brought out a TV into his room and showed him a video of how bad animals were and how good humans are. Everyday they would show him the same video and replay it over and over, until he understood it. Eventually, he did and that is how Mephiles began his hatred towards animals and then he began to read about all kinds of animals in the books he was provided and he learned all of their strengths and weaknesses. It kind of interested him on how different every animal is with their abilities to survive and he kind of wished that he could meet an animal just once and see how they act.

After that, Jared thought it would be time for Mephiles to finally leave the room he's been cooped up in for most of his life and explore the whole entire space station. So he talked to his brother and the other scientists about it and they all agreed, but first they injected a tracking device into his neck so they could keep track of him wherever he goes. Then Jared opened the door and tried to lure him out of the room, but Mephiles was scared and wasn't sure whether or not he wanted to leave the only place he knew. So Jared tried talking to him and told him that it was safe and that there was nothing to be afraid of. Mephiles still wasn't sure but he took Jared's word for it and began to slowly walk to the door and outside of the room. Once he was out, Jared quickly closed the door behind him and it startled him a little. Everyone was there watching him and waited for him to go explore the area but he was too scared and just sat there as he looked at the long hallway in front of him and behind him.

Then, Jared kneeled down beside him and started petting his head and tried to coax him into exploring. Mephiles took a deep breath and started walking through the hallway, but he stopped and looked at Jared giving him a look, as in he wanted him to come with him. Jared got up and walked beside Mephiles as he was exploring. Everyone else went into the security room and watched them from the security cameras. As they walked and explored, Mephiles began to pick up the pace and wasn't so afraid anymore. Jared opened the doors he wanted to go in and explained what every room was for. But there was one room that had no door and it really interested Mephiles. He walked into it, looked at everything as he walked, and stopped once he got to the big gigantic window.

Jared noticed how Mephiles was trying to see out the window but he couldn't due to his small size. So Jared picked him up and showed him what was outside the window. Mephiles saw stars, the moon, and most importantly, the earth.

"What's that?" said Mephiles, as he was so amazed at what he was seeing.

"That is a planet called earth. And one day, you'll be going there," said Jared.


"Yes, but you have to finish your training first and when the time is right, you'll be able to go down there."

"I can't wait."

Jared was so happy to see Mephiles interested in going to earth, but at the same time he was afraid. What will his grandfather think? What exactly does he want with Mephiles? How will the people react to him? All of these questions, he pondered them in his head and he was afraid for what the future holds.

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