Chapter 9: Teleportation Fail

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Back on earth, Jerry was called into the government's office to talk to his grandfather about the process of handling Mephiles and what Jared has been up to for the last few years. When Jerry walked into the office his grandfather seemed a bit calm, which wasn't normal for him and it was kind of scary for Jerry to talk to him about what's been going on with the project.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" said Jerry.

"Yes. Please come in. Take a seat, we need to talk," said his grandfather.

"What is it that we need to talk about?"

"First, answer a few questions. How old is the Ultimate Lifeform?"

"It's six years old, sir."

"What has Jared taught it to do?"

"He's been teaching it to hate animals."

"That's good. Now, tell me what else he's been teaching it."

That made Jerry really nervous. He felt like he shouldn't tell him everything, cause he didn't want anything to upset his brother and ruin the bond he has with Mephiles.

"I don't think I should tell you that sir."

"And why not?" "Because, I don't want you to do anything that will upset Jared. Ever since we worked on this project, I have never seen him so happy and I would like him to stay that way."

"Jerry, I promise nothing will happen to you or your brother. Just tell me what's been going on with the project. Tell me what he's been teaching it."

"Stop calling him an it. It's a he and he's got a name."

"You gave it a personality?"

"Yes." "Alright, I'll worry about that later. You said it has a name? What's his name then?"

"Well, Jared named him sir and his name is Mephiles."

"Mephiles huh? Interesting. Now tell me what he's been teaching . . . Mephiles."

After that, Jerry told his grandfather everything that's been going on: How Mephiles learned how to speak, read, and write. How he has human abilities, and the most recent thing was how he was learning to use his elemental powers. This interested the government a lot and he just couldn't wait to get his hands on Mephiles, but he understood Mephiles was still young and needed more time and training. So he thought of something that he wanted Jerry to do.

"I have a job for you," said his granfather.

"What is it?" said Jerry.

"I want you to go observe Mephiles' progress and keep an eye on your brother, make sure he doesn't do anything . . . wrong."

"Something wrong? Like what?"

"Like trying to hide Mephiles away. He hasn't hid him has he? You guys aren't keeping the project somewhere I can't reach you, are you?"

"No, sir. We're not hiding Mephiles."

"Good. Now go. You have three years to observe them. That should be enough time for you."

"Yes, sir. I'll leave right away."

Jerry left the office and hurried to the rocket. He didn't worry about his job, because his grandfather said he'll take care of it and he gave him a lot of money to pay for the trip. But when he got to the Space Fox Society, everyone was asleep and he went to Jared's room. He couldn't believe what he saw, he saw Mephiles sleeping on the bed with Jared's arm over him. It was an adorable and sad sight, because he now knows how much Mephiles means to his brother and it would kill Jared if anything happens to Mephiles.

When he walked into the room Mephiles opened his eyes as Jerry sat on the bed and tried to wake up Jared. Mephiles just came over to Jerry and licked his hand like he was happy to see him. Jared woke up and was surprised to see Jerry there. Jerry told him that he would like to talk to him outside the room, so Mephiles couldn't hear what he had to say. So Jared got up, told Mephiles to stay in the room and walked outside to hear what his brother had to say.

Jerry told Jared everything he and their grandfather talked about and that he still didn't know what their grandfather wanted with Mephiles. But Jared understood why Jerry was at the Space Fox Society now and didn't mind being kept an eye on by his brother. After their talk, they went to bed and they decided to discuss what to do next later.

Two years later and during those two years, Mephiles has been getting a lot of exercise. He's been running around the Society; he learned how to do push ups, sit ups, etc. He even swam in the pool a couple of times and he most definitely loved being in the water. But when he was the age of seven, Jared taught him two important phrases that he should know in life. The first phrase was There's A Reason For Everything and the other one was Nothing Lasts Forever. Mephiles didn't quite understand the phrases but he sure did keep them in mind. Jared and Jerry were happy to see Mephiles having fun and all that but they've noticed him sitting and staring at the window a bit more often than he did when he first saw it. Seeing how Mephiles just couldn't wait to go to earth and see what it's like, they decided to show him books and videos about earth and see if that'll cheer him up; it did and they were glad to see that.

Now that Mephiles is eight years old, it was time to teach him how to teleport. According to the papers they got from the machine Mephiles was created in, he should be able to activate his teleportation powers when he got to the age of eight; and now was the perfect time.

They took him into the main room and told him how to do it. All he had to do was focus and think of the place he would like to teleport to. But to make his distance small, so they wouldn't lose him if he goes too far and ends up teleporting off the Society. Mephiles looked behind him and saw the view of earth and the view of it got stuck in his head.

So when he finally decided to try teleporting, he teleported off the Society. Jared and Jerry had shocked looks on their faces and they were happy to see that he succeeded in teleportation, but that was about to change.

When Jared took out the tracking device he saw he had no signal of Mephiles' location on the Society, but saw that he was heading towards earth. That made Jared very concerned and very scared for Mephiles' life.

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