Chapter 1: The Creator

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Author's Note: I know some of the chapters may seem rushed or badly written, but just bare with it.

A long time ago in Tennessee, there was a human boy named Jared who lived with his mom, dad, and younger brother named Jerry. Jared never quite got along with animals. When he was five his mom was killed by a rabid dog and when he was ten, his father was killed by a pack of wolves on one of his hunting trips. After that, Jared and his brother became orphans and they had nowhere else to go or anyone else to stay with. Although, Jared did think they could stay with their grandfather, who was also the government. But, since he was too busy with his work to look after kids, he didn't even bother to ask. So, they stayed in their house that they've been living in and tried to take care of each other and look after one another. Since Jerry was only three years younger than him, Jared would have to be an adult and would try to earn some money so they could buy some food and pay for the house.

Two years later, Jared managed to get a job as a young scientist and boy did it pay very well. Even Jerry got a job as an assistant to the police officers in the police station and he got paid minimum wage. Not as much as his brother got paid, but still good enough to pay for the bills and get groceries. Every time Jared sees an animal nearby or hears someone got hurt or killed by an animal on the news, he would just get really mad and wish that animals would one day cease to exist. The next year, Jared went to go see his grandfather and asked him if he could build an arena to hold illegal animal fights. And since his grandfather hates animals as well, he decided to let his 13 year old grandson have his animal fighting arena and had construction workers start construction the next day. Jared was so happy to finally be rid of animals that he went to animal control and told them to start searching for stray animals and, instead of taking them to the pound, to take them to the arena.

A month later, the arena was finally finished and animals were already being held in a special area hidden within the arena. When Jared went to take a look at the animals that they had, he noticed there were lots of cats and dogs. Just domesticated animals certainly didn't do so he sent hunters to find him other animals. Like: Wolves, bears, cougars, etc. He even got zoos to donate their animals to the arena. Now, the arena was finally full of all kinds of wild and domesticated animals.

After weeks of watching animals tearing each other to shreds, there was one animal that he did not hate but loved; the red fox. There was just something about them that he found interesting. Their beautiful red fur, the different sounds they can make, and the fact they're known to be tricky for some reason. He also did love other breeds of the fox. Like: Arctic foxes, silver foxes, gray foxes, even including the fennec fox. When he's at home, he would mostly read about foxes, watch certain movies and TV shows about foxes, and he would even listen to the song What Does The Fox Say? non stop. Which he would irritate his brother listening to the song over and over.

Then one day, when Jared was sitting on the patio in the backyard, he saw a red fox coming out of the forest and sniffing around his yard, looked at him and stared, then ran back into the forest. Jared just couldn't believe what he just saw. An actual red fox came into his yard. Nor Jared or Jerry has ever seen an actual fox before. Jared got so excited that the next day he got some fox food and left it on his patio with a webcam next to it. He waited patiently and eventually, the fox did come, ate the food and ran back into the forest. For a few days, Jared would have a bowl of food for the fox on his patio with the webcam sitting next to it. And when he checked his computer, he would see the fox coming to eat the food and running back into the forest. Eventually, Jared decided to sit on the patio with the bowl of food and waited for the fox to come. The fox did come, but it stopped and stared when it saw Jared next to the bowl of food. A few seconds later, the fox came walking slowly to the patio and stopped when it got too close to the food and Jared. It was waiting for Jared to do something, but all he did was just held his hand out to it and waited. The fox eventually sniffed his hand and licked it, then just started eating the food out of the bowl. Jared started petting the fox while it ate. Its fur felt so soft and warm and the fox never did dare to try to bite him or lift his head up.

For days, the fox came to the patio and Jared would always pet it every time he saw it. Sometimes the fox would crawl up beside him and lay there with Jared petting him. Jerry was watching this happen from inside the house. He has just never seen his brother so happy ever since their parents died. It was the happiest moment he has ever seen happen to his brother and he hopes that nothing would ruin it. But then, the next day, it was fox hunting season and neither Jared or Jerry knew that it was today. When Jared went onto the patio he didn't see the fox come at the time it usually comes. He waited for an hour and the fox still had not come. While he was still waiting, Jerry was on the computer and saw that it was fox hunting season. He quickly got up and saw that his brother was about to come inside, until they heard dogs barking and then a gunshot. Jared quickly looked towards the forest and Jerry told him that it was fox hunting season and he just ran into the forest before Jerry could stop him. Jared didn't have to search very far for his fox friend when he saw its body laying there looking so lifeless. He got closer and knelt beside it. He noticed a bullet in its side and when he touched it, its fur was no longer warm. His brother finally caught up to him and he was shocked at the sight of the fox's dead body and Jared with his knees up to his chest and he noticed tears sliding down his face. Fifteen minutes later, both Jared and Jerry went back into the house and never spoke a word on the way there. Now, not only did Jared have a hatred for animals, he was also starting to have a small piece of hatred for humans. His happiness was now gone and Jerry was sad to see that it was.

Two more years later, Jared was still upset about the fox's death and he was having a hard time with his life. His job was going nowhere, since the other scientists couldn't figure out what to do next. And since he was too upset to attend the animal fights, he decided to close it down for a while. Jerry just couldn't stand seeing his brother like this. He would always see him leaving the house and not coming back till late at night. And he noticed he hasn't been eating lately or getting enough sleep. He wished he could do something to help, but he just didn't know what to do. Then one day, Jared was watching the news where he heard that someone had found a door somewhere in the forest leading to a whole new world with animals in it. But what really caught Jared's attention was when the person on the news said the animals were talking, walking on two legs, and holding things like they had thumbs. Jared just couldn't believe that there was a whole world with talking animals in it. He quickly jumped onto the computer and looked up talking animals, but all he found were rumors of talking animals. No living proof that they could actually talk.

During his walks, he would always hear people talking about other people getting attacked by animals and that was when he got the idea to create something that can get rid of the animals for good. Something so powerful it couldn't be stopped by humans, animals, or anything else in the world.

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