Chapter 4: Human Abilities & Contact

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Everyone was shocked to see Mephiles walking like a human and Jerry confronted his brother about it. Jared then confessed that he put his own blood into the machine, giving Mephiles human DNA and that is how he has human abilities. Jared didn't know adding his own DNA would do this but that didn't matter, cause now they have to teach him how to act like a human. It was like teaching a little kid; they had to teach it how to write, read, speak, hold things, etc. Mephiles was a quick learner and he managed to do everything in a matter of a month.

After that, it was time for Jerry to go back to earth and continue working at the police station. But while he was there, he took pictures of Mephiles and decided to show them to their grandfather. He was quite amazed at how Mephiles was progressing and just couldn't wait to get his hands on him. Four months later, Mephiles was now six months old and he was still the size of a kit. Normal foxes would be an adult at the age of 6-7 months, but again he wasn't a normal fox. Which means, Mephiles was either gonna grow like a human or he was gonna grow his own way.

Mephiles began to show how talented he was. He wrote his own name on the whiteboard, he read a lot of books, he ate his food with a spoon when they offered it to him, and he began to show emotions. He mostly showed emotions whenever they put a movie on for him but the only emotions he ever showed were either happiness or mad, plus any other emotions that fell into either. About a year later, Jared was wondering if he could actually speak and he decided it was time for him to have human contact. But when he brought this up to the others, everyone else was too scared to go in there, not sure how he would react.

So when it was time to feed Mephiles, Jared decided he'd be the one to interact with him. He put the bowl of rice and the bowl of water onto a tray and he walked into the room and the scientists quickly locked it behind him. Jared was scared at first but he didn't let fear stop him from interacting with his creation and he walked a bit further inside the room, a few inches away from the door. Mephiles saw this and wasn't sure on what he should do. Jared put the tray in front of him, took a few steps back and sat down. Mephiles just gave him a weird look and slowly ate his food while Jared was watching him. Jared wasn't sure on how to get the Ultimate Lifeform to speak, so he thought he should start.

"Hey there. My name is Jared. I'm the one who created you," said Jared, waiting for Mephiles to respond.

Mephiles just stopped eating and looked at him confused and sat up.

"So, does the Ultimate Lifeform talk?"

"I can," said Mephiles.

Jared was shocked and happy at the same time. He just couldn't believe that Mephiles could talk.

"Mephiles? What was the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes?" Jared said, wondering if Mephiles imprinted on him.

Mephiles stopped eating again and tried to focus on his face. Then he began to recognize him, that this human was the first person he saw when he opened his eyes.

"You. I saw you," Mephiles said as he continued eating.

That was good to hear. And then Jared tried to reach out and pet him, but Mephiles lifted his head up and gave him a small growl.

"You don't trust me do you? That's okay. We'll try again tomorrow," said Jared as he got up, took the tray, and left the room.

All of the scientists were quite surprised and amazed at what they saw as Jared walked back into the control room, where they waited for him.

Everyday, Jared would come into the room to see Mephiles and give him his food. Mephiles was quite used to seeing Jared coming in and he didn't mind at all. They had nice conversations and Mephiles was beginning to open up to him, but he still didn't trust him. Then Jerry came up for another two month vacation and he was so shocked when Jared told him Mephiles can talk. Jerry didn't believe him at first but hearing Mephiles speak the next day, he then believed it. And he walked into the room with Jared so Mephiles could meet him. When Mephiles spoke to Jerry he was surprised, but amazed to be talking to him. Eventually, everyone came to speak to Mephiles. Some spoke through the intercom and others came into the room. Everyone began to not fear him anymore, but they still tend to keep their distance.

One year later, Jared visited him again like he always does, but this visit was going to be different. After Mephiles finished eating, he walked up to Jared slowly and sat in front of him. Jared wasn't sure on what to do, but he reached his hand out to him and looked away. Mephiles just looked at his hand and nudged his head into it. When Jared looked back he started petting him and was so happy to finally gain his trust. It was a whole new feeling for Mephiles and he liked it as Jared continued to pet him and began to scratch him behind the ears. That made him feel more relaxed.

"I promise I won't let anything happen to you. I'll protect you no matter what happens, for as long as I live," said Jared.

Mephiles just licks his hand like he was happy to hear that.

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