Chapter one: How is this even possible?

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" For your final year project, please select a topic from this board and start diggin' the past, the mystery amd the myths. Your final year project due on September 20 at 7pm. That is 6 month from now. I wish you all well, that is all for today. You all dismiss from this class.." a short announcement from our lecturer.

"Rosieee..!" shout Anna from the hallway, running toward me with her big smile.

"Hi Anna.. What's with the fuss? Mann, you always hugging me infront of everyone. Stop it.."

"Oh now you being embarrassed? hmph!"

"I'm joking.. come here!"

"Heee.. Rose, which topic will you choose from the broad? I heard that Miss Brenda give you guys a damn hard topic!"

"Hard topic? I think I might choose the werewolves thing.."

"Werewolves?! aren't they just made-up stories that our parents used to do just to scared us and made us obey their rule?"

"Haha.. yea it's true but it has to be a reason why this kind of stories started. Maybe there is something else about it? That's what made me choose this topic. Plus uncle taylor has a lot of collections of werewolves. Maybe I can find something from his house."

"Hm fair enough! so what are we eating for lunch?"

"I been craving for some sushi right now.. Drive us to our signature place!"

"Okay dokie.."

We went to this amazing Japanese store and take satisfaction in our lunch. Then after lunch, we went straight to the local library and borrow some books for my project. Anna drop me back home later that night.

"Thanks anna! See you tomorrow!"

"No problem babe. Hey rose! I forget to tell you something."

"Yea what's up?"

"Do you remember Travis? The guy from the athletes team?"

"The tall blondie guy? yea why?"

"I know you're not looking for a man right now and you so busy with your perfect lonely life, which you can add some fun in it.."

"My god anna.. Don't tell me.."

"Yes! I did it and maybe later his gonna call you and who knows you MIGHT BE ABLE TO GET A LIFE AND OF COURSE A BOYFRIEND!"

"Why did you do that? argh! nevermind I can just simply abandon him."

"Rosie please.. His a great guy and he love history.. Just promise me you will try? pleaseeee...."

"Alright fine! If I don't find him beneficial, I will straightforwardly 100% ditch him okay?"

"Its Attractive! The word is ATTRACTIVE! Not beneficial.. I better get going now to see my sweetheart which you don't have.. Bye rosie!"

"Bye anna! be careful..geez.. that girl making me a headache." I watch Anna drive away and just smile thinking about her effort to match me up with someone I don't know.

I walk toward the stairs and open the front door. Mom and Dad are just finish eating their dinner. I walk into the kitchen and just grab a glass of water.

"Hey sweetie.. you're back earlier than normal. want some dinner?" ask mom as she cleaning the table.

"Hi mom. Hi dad.. yea i finish my classes today a bit early. Then i just hang out with anna."

"Well that's great.. anyway we have something to tell you." say mom while looking at dad. They both smiling.

"What's going on?"

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