Chapter 42.

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The last week and a half has gone by so crazy, we took almost a week off just resting and catching up with our friends, the girls, urban and dru came over a couple days ago and we played board games for hours before they went home.

I facetimed with ashe yesterday since she is still on tour and I showed her the bump. Lila is now 21 and a half weeks along. Next appointment is in a couple weeks but right now we're at the studio.

Alex came in an hour after we got here and now we're helping jack decide the songs for the album. Not all of them are recorded or finished. "What about this one for the feature?" I ask reading the lyrics. "Maybe, change a few lyrics for a few verses then bam" jack says.

"Sounds good to me babe" I reply. "Are you back together?" Alex asks. "We are" jack answers smiling. We haven't told many people that we're back together just our friends and family know. "How long?" He asks "just over a month" I answer.

Jack holds my hand gently "it doesn't even feel like we were apart" he says. "Awe" I whisper. "That's cute but we've gotta work" alex says. "Let me get in the booth and I can change the lyrics as we go" I say standing up.

Hours go by before we decide to take a break and I rest my voice. "Hows the baby?" Alex asks. "She is good" I answer. It's honestly been a smooth pregnancy, the nausea and morning sickness went away a week ago now I'm getting hot flashes and cold flashes.

By 8pm we're leaving the studio, thankfully the paparazzi have calmed down a little bit the last few days. We've continued to deny the rumours of us being back together and of me being pregnant. We'll tell them when we want.

On the drive home Jack stops off at chipotle and I snack on chips while he's driving. "So la next week, any ideas on hiding the bump?" He asks. "Plenty" I answer. "And if Jimmy asks if we're back together?" He asks. "Say yeah" I answer. "Really? are you sure?" He asks. I nod giggling "yes jack I'm sure" I answer.

After convincing him that it's fine that the world knows we're back together we finally arrive home and sit watching greys anatomy and eating our chipotle. "Can we work from home tomorrow?" I ask in between episodes. "Yeah sure" he answers.

The morning comes up and I wake up to lila kicking me in the blatter again. "Baby that's not nice" i say walking into the bathroom. "She kicking your blatter again?" Jack asks from the bed. "Yeah she's mean" I answer sitting on the toilet.

He comes and leans against the counter "she's just telling you you need to pee" he says. "Well that's not a very nice way of doing that" I reply wiping. He kisses the side of my head as I start washing my hands "I know" he whispers. "I think she'll be worth all the discomfort" I say thinking out loud.

"Oh definitely" he replies standing behind me. I look at his face through the mirror and he's smiling and his baby blue eyes are twinkling "Jack" I whisper. His eyes move and now we're looking into each others eyes through the mirror. "Yeah?" He asks. "I love you" I whisper smiling. He smiles and kisses my cheek "I love you too" he whispers.

Our hands rest on top of the bump and I feel her kick where his hands are. "Woah" he whispers. I giggle "that feel weird?" I ask. He nods "yeah it's cool though" he answers. "Let's go downstairs I'm hungry" I say turning around in his arms.

We share a couple kisses before going down to our kitchen. "Oh check the front door there should be baby bottles and the cleaning stuff for them Oh and a breast pump" I say looking at the security camera feed in the kitchen. The front door opens a few seconds later "3 big boxes?" Jack asks. "Yup!" I answer.

As I'm making bacon he opens the boxes "ooh bubble wrap" he says. I turn around and he's popping the bubbles "leave some for me" I tell him. He chuckles and leaves a sheet out then goes back to taking the stuff out. "How many did you order?" He asks. "Many" I answer simply. "Does she need 20 bottles?" He asks.

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