Chapter 32.

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Enjoy it's a long one Oh and share your thoughts

"Wait go a register up" I tell ashe. She gives me a thumbs up and I start the beat again. After perfecting that line she moves onto the next verse and we continue working on the song.

An hour goes by before we take a rest "so I'm leaving tonight" she starts. "Yeah? When are you back?" I ask. "A couple days before the songs released" she answers. "Great, I'll be here that night" I reply. "We can do an Instagram live if you want" she suggests. "Oh my god yes its actually been so long since I've done one" I say.

She grabs her phone "let's do a short one now and then a long one that night" she says going into the app. "Okay sounds fun" I shrug. It starts a minute later and we just wait for people to start flowing in.

I sit quietly reading questions while ashe just starts talking. "So questions" she says. "Let's answer some" I reply. "How long did the writing process for artificial take?" She asks looking at me. "Oh wow a couple days, we've written so many songs together lately and they all take different amounts of time" I answer.

We switch who answers the questions for a little bit before ending the live. "Crap I have to pack and leave for the airport" ahse says checking her watch. "Oh okay I think I'm gonna stay for a little bit, I can walk you out though" I reply grabbing my phone.

She nods grabbing her stuff and I follow her out of the room "I will text you when I land" she says while we're walking through the lobby. "Please do" I reply. We get to the front doors and she hugs me quickly before leaving.

After turning around and looking up from the floor I see jack leaving another room with dru following behind. I continue walking hoping he doesn't spot me but unfortunately he does.

We get closer as I continue walking and avoiding eye contact with him "hey abi" dru says first. "Hi dru" I reply looking behind jack and at him. "Uh h-hey abi how are you?" Jack asks scratching the back of his neck. "I'm uh I'm ok, how are you?" I ask looking at him.

My heart starts thumping in my chest as I continue making eye contact with him. "I'm ok too, I saw that you're releasing a song" he replies shifting slightly. "Uh yeah ashe convinced me" I respond. He smiles "that's awesome" he whispers. "Yeah I uh I should go back finneas should be here soon" I lie then start walking away.

He nods and looks down at the floor "yeah uh see you" he responds looking at me. "Yeah" I reply before opening the door and going in. After the doors closed I lean against it and let myself fall to the floor. "Fuck" I whisper resting my head against my knees.

The memories of us together start sneaking back into my head and I can't help but start crying. It's been 2 weeks and until now i thought my feelings were almost gone. Guess not.

As the tears continue flowing down my face my phone buzzes in my hand a few times. I sigh and take a look.

Dru: you need to start talking to him again
Dru: he's a mess
Dru: just consider it

Before I could stop myself my thumbs are typing out a reply.

To dru: I'm still a mess I may look put together but I'm not, as much as I want to start talking to him again my feelings are still present and I have to protect them

I stand up and put my phone down on the desk then grab the song book looking through the most recent songs I've written alone. "I need a new book" I whisper to myself. I stop at a song I wrote while Jack and I were still together.

Without a second thought I rip the pages from the book and toss them in the garbage can. "Bye bitch" I say then continue looking through the songs.

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