Chapter 16.

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Sorry for the lack of chapters, not sure how much longer it's going to be like this anyways enjoy

For the last week jack has gone from atlanta to boston to New York and now he is in Miami. I dont think I've ever missed him so much, lucky for me I am flying there tonight after dinner with my dad and siblings.

It's been a couple weeks since he met my dad and siblings, the second Sunday dinner was better than the first. Rose and matilda came with us and my sister had fun catching up with them and the guys talked the whole time.

Last week jack couldn't make it but matilda came with me since rose and mackenzie were at Mackenzie's. I think I'm going alone tonight which is fine I like family time.

Right now i am currently in the studio with megan. She hasn't been in since before jack met my dad because she had promoting to do.

"So jack met your dad?" She asks. I nod "yeah he did, and my older brother" I answer. "How'd that go?" She asks. "My brother was tough but he warmed up after I told him that my friends approve and my dad warmed up right after I said I love him" I answer remembering it.

She listens to me rant about my brother a bit and then I talk about how I am looking forward to seeing Jack. It's been a week without him which means a week without sex and I'm going crazy. I can feel the crankiness start.

I let out a sigh and frown "I just miss him, when I'm around him it feels like I'm home like we could be at target and I'd feel at home" I say spinning around in the chair. "You should write a song about it" she says stopping the chair and handing me the pen and my song book.

The next couple of hours consists of writing a nameless song that probably won't be released or even recorded. "You should get going" megan says showing me the time. "Oh crap you're right, have fun text me if you need to" I say gathering my stuff.

"I'm actually going as well, I've got things to do" she says shutting everything off. "Oh okay we can walk out together then" I reply waiting for her.

Once everything's off and we've got what we need we leave the studio, seeing a few others coming in as we walk through the lobby.

Cameras start flashing when we start walking out. "Megan are you releasing more music?" Someone shouts. She ignores them. "Abigail! Are you releasing music at some point?" The shout. "No" I say simply before we split off to our cars.

She blows me a kiss good bye before getting into hers and I laugh getting into mine. Thankfully the paparazzi don't follow me and I have a peaceful drive home.

Nobodys home when I get there so I text them both to let them know I'm going to the dinner and they're free to meet me there if they want. I change into jean shorts and a flowy shirt before leaving for the dinner.

My phone starts ringing while I'm driving. Jack. I hit answer and put it on speakerphone. "Hey baby" I answer. "Hey, are you headed to the dinner now?" He asks. "Yeah, wish you were coming" I answer pouting. "Me too but I'll be picking you up from the airport" he replies.

"I'm only flying alone because I love you" I tell him. "Well I'll be flying back with you again so don't worry" he responds. "Thank god" I say. He chuckles "it can't be that bad" he says back. "Babe it could go down at any point, it could land in the forest or the ocean and I'd die there" I say thinking of everything that could go wrong.

After he let's me list all the scenarios he reassures me that it'll be fine and I won't be eaten by a bear in the forest or by a shark in the ocean. "I'll see you when I pick you up ok?" He says. "Okay, I miss you" I frown. "I miss you too" he replies.

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