.. chapter 8 ..

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Y/n yawns, walking into school. "Ooh, sleepyhead!" Amity skips up behind them. "I was up, practicing commands." They say, calling hypno over. He sits on their head, looking at amity. "Oh. My. Gosh!" Amity giggles, "that was so good!" Y/n laughs while amity fan girls over hypno. "Did you learn anything else?" Amity asks, rolling her eyes at y/n, who was laughing at her. Y/n blushes a little, embarrassed they only learned two spells besides the circle one. "Ooo, blushing!" Amity nudged them, and y/n turned red, remembering back, to spin the bottle.

"Okay, okay! I'll show you them." Y/n says, after much insisting during abomination class. It was lunch, and they were sitting together with luz, amity, gus, willow, and viney. Y/n calls hypno over, and gasps come from everyone, but viney claps, while she grins. "Okay, here's the first one, it was easiest." Y/n shrugs. Everyone looks at each other, sarcastically. Y/n draws a circle, with the griffin flying. Hypno, knowing what to do, prepares. Everyone watches, and he flies around in a circle and lands, his paws on the cafeteria table. Before anyone else could say a thing, y/n starts the next spell.

Y/n draws...what looks like a manticore rearing up, and showing it's wings and tail. They guessed, when they drew it, that hypno would do the same but show off his snake tail. They tap it, and it illuminates. Hypno looks confused, but perfectly raises his wings, and the snake. He drops down, lowered to the table. He puffs his wings, and the snake hisses. It strikes at the air, and he strikes a pose. "Oh my gosh, it worked!" Y/n jumps up and down. Everybody claps, but trying not to attract attention. 

"I can't show you guys the next one, I tried it earlier and it sadly didn't work." Y/n frowns. Amity walks over and gives them a hug. Y/n freezes, face hot. Luz raises and lowers her eyebrows at amity, and amity cheetah sprints back to her chair, looking down. Willow hands gus 3 snails, sighing. "Wait, did you guys make a bet?" Viney asks, looking at the exchange. Willow starts, "I bet that they wouldn't fall in love, but gus bet they would." Y/n and amity start babbling, completely wrong things, saying, "oh we aren't in l-love w-hat?!" and, "excuse, me..WHAT?!" Amity stammers, and y/n just babbles, loudly.

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