Chapter 1

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Ok, I wasn't planning to write this story. I have been working on some original fiction, and have been trying to focus on that instead of fanfiction. But this idea just kept showing up. And once I wrote the first part, it was even worse - whenever I opened my stories folder, it was sitting there, taunting me.

So I decided to write it.

this story will be pretty short (4-5 chapters) - I just want to get it finished so that I can get back to what I want to work on.


"Oh, shit, oh shit. He's going to kill me. Again!" Shirou stumbled into his workshop / shed and locked the door. He was just picking up a piece of pipe to use as a weapon when a circle on the floor glowed red. Shirou staggered backwards as he tried to get out of the glow. As he landed on his rear end a woman rose up out of the circle. She was a Japanese woman, dressed in a business woman's skirt and suit, her hair cut in a no-nonsense bob. She looked vaguely familiar, like he had seen her in a picture somewhere.

"I am Servant Caster. I ask you, are you my... Fuck, it's you!" She began, only to stop when she realized who she was speaking to. Before she could regain her composure, the window to the shed burst in to reveal Lancer perched in its place.

"What?" Shirou asked. Usually he was a quick thinker, but this was so far outside his field of experience that his brain had completely shut down.

"Just say 'yes'," Caster demanded.


"Good," Caster turned and pointed her spread fingers at Lancer as he leaped in, shooting a barrage of lightning bolts from each fingertip.

Despite being in the air, Lancer managed to twist out of the way of most of the bolts, and deflected one with his spear. But when he landed, he looked much more wary than before. "Huh. So you're a magus. Why didn't you say so before I killed you? It would have saved you a lot of discomfort." Then he shrugged and smiled, "Though now that you are a Master, we're back to square one." He leaped forward, striking at Caster with his spear. He twisted between the bolts of lightning she shot from her right hand, and he was almost at stabbing distance when he realized that he was going to miss. Somehow, he had stepped wrong, so that he would have to twist his body awkwardly to strike Caster.

Lancer leaped back and tried again. Shirou took up a ready stance, holding his reinforced steel pipe at the ready. He couldn't quite keep up with Lancer's attacks, but sooner or later he would have to pause, and he could strike then.

Again, Lancer dodged Caster's attack, but now his position was even worse - not only would his lunge miss, but his back would be to that woman. "You're messing with reality, aren't you, lassie? That's why I hate witches. No good can come from them." Lancer grinned ferally. He loved a good fight, but this wasn't it. This was one of the most frustrating confrontations he had been in in a very long time, and he was starting to get angry. One eye squinted almost all the way shut, while the other opened to inhuman proportions. "Gae... " He raised his spear, to use it's magic power, to pierce all defenses when he froze. "My coward of a master demands that I return. He is concerned that you might have some trick up your sleeve that I haven't realized."

"Your master is a wise man," Caster smirked.

Lancer sighed, "I'll have to kill you later, witch." He turned to Shiro, "Ciao!" he saluted Shirou good naturedly and leaped out of the room.

Caster released a sigh, "That was close." She turned to Shirou, "without a chance to prepare my territory, I am at a severe disadvantage. Even an incredibly powerful and talented Magus like me is no match against a Knight class servant in a fair fight."

Fate Altered RealityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora