7 Million Mora - [CLUMSY F!Y/N]

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A/N- Thanks to @litsaight for the request! I hope you enjoy :D

I'll probably post a few more chapters and then bring this book to a close, it wasn't as long as I'd hoped it would be, I've lost a lot of interest in Genshin recently

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I'll probably post a few more chapters and then bring this book to a close, it wasn't as long as I'd hoped it would be, I've lost a lot of interest in Genshin recently. I also don't want to write a book I have little interest in just to keep it going.

Also sorry if this request ended up taking a more serious turn instead of little instances lol 😭


I've always struggled when it came to my body's dexterity and reaction time which always led to me screwing up and bothering others, though one person never minded when I stumbled and was endlessly patient with me where he wasn't fully patient with others.

The disaster of the week was one including a few of the scholars from the Akademiya, I ended up bumping into one of the library bookshelves, they ended up toppling down and a few of them ended up destroyed,—just my luck— I ended up attracting a bunch of eyes from the scholars studying there and was taken out of the building. Currently staying with my boyfriend Tighnari, in Ghandarva Ville. Patiently waiting for the price to pay for my stupid clumsiness.

It would most likely be some outrageous price even for a relic, probably something like 1,000,000 mora each or something which I absolutely do not have, especially because I broke what I think to be 5 books and honestly 5 million mora for a normal civilian sounds exhausting to try and earn let alone live being 5 million mora in debt.

"Love? A scholar is here, Oh! And I'll help you pay it off if its a huge sum of Mora" Tighnari walked into our joined living space, I sat up from my chair leaving the apology letter I was supposed to be writing as well as a game plan on how to pay of the amount of money I was somehow supposed to pay off.

Walking outside I'm met with a scholar, taller than me and if I'm going to be honest, he stood out like a sore thumb with a vision by his side.

he said nothing and handed me a letter, I opened it hastily, the man now looming over me annoyedly waited for me to forget my trembling hands and open the damn thing already. I read through the letter keeping to contents of it to myself.


As a representative of the Akademiya you owe a sum of 7,000,000 Mora to the Akademiya, as for a punishment decided by the council, you will hereby be expelled from the Akademiya for your reckless actions around the precious relics that we have promised to hold safe for the pursuit of knowledge.

there will be no payment date for your destruction but we do expect it to be fully paid, and if you so chose to ignore your debt to the Akademiya, there will be consequences for your actions.

———— The Council.————

Oh archons no..

The man standing in front of me stared at me as I processed the letter, "I hope you be able to pay it off soon, for now, Good day." He walked away  not saying another word or even looking back at me as I stood in utter shock. I knew something like this could happen, I never knew it would though.

Tighnari placed a hand on my shoulder and beckoned me back inside away from others who were now pre-occupied with my current situation. 

Tighnari took the letter away from my yet again, trembling hands. with his hand still on my shoulder he sat me down on his bed while he sat in a chair in front of me, his tail curling up in his lap as he scowled as he read the letter. Taking his hand off my shoulder, his gaze softened from his scowl to a softer, more sympathetic look in his pretty green eyes.

Sighing, he begins to speak. I expect a lecture but am not met with such. "Hm alright. I'm not going to lecture you, I know it was an accident—one that you'll pay a price for—but I'm not mad. I know you're clumsy and your reaction time isn't great so I'll do my best to help you pay this back." He finishes off his sentence.

(more like a whole ass speech but I guess I'm at fault for that one lmao.) 

"That's not the problem I'm focused on...I expected that." I muttered, ashamed for my clumsy-ness.

"Then what is? you being expelled?" he sat his hands on his knees slouching over slightly.

"Yes! I never expected I would be expelled but I mean geez! I think the price is enough of a punishment I think being expelled is just plain harsh...and honestly its making me feel worse than I already do!" I just let my guts spill to Tighnari. Damnit.

My clumsy-ness was always something I ended up paying a price for and it was exhausting growing up with it, I would often accidentally break things. I don't even think I could become something of note like a forest ranger. My original plan, to become a scholar, was crushed and now Im just plain lost.

Tighnari could sense my immense guilt, it was practically eating away at my soul and radiating off of my body. I'm sure you could sense it from the deserts of Sumeru.

"Hey, look, we'll figure something out, alright? Take it one day at a time," Tighnari being himself, wanted to make a joke there, even I could tell but decided against it seeing how upset I was.

"Come on lets go for a walk some fresh air should help...take your mind off things. Hey! I might even let you touch my ears, hm?" He took my hand and continued walking with me in tow

"Sure, but I better at least get to touch your tail!"Safe to say I felt better after going for that walk.

A/N - (to the requester) Im sorry if it wasn't what you wanted exactly I was at a bit of a loss for this one but i hope you liked it.

And to everyone! I do hope you enjoyed this chapter since my internet is down ill most definitely have the time to write the chapters I have left to complete.

And with that I'm signing off, see you again soon <3

-1093 words (including AN's)

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