Chapter 5 - Mixed Signals

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Ethan's POV.
Today I decided to walk to school alone and I told Sasha and Rory I just didn't want to talk to anyone today, they understood. I stupidly decided not to take my anti-depressants, and right now I looked like shit, but did I care? No.

First, of course, I had art... I groaned internally and wondered whether I should just skip it... I decided against it, walked in just after the bell while ignoring curious glances from my classmates as I slumped into the chair in the corner of the room at the back. My hair hung over my eyes yet I could still feel Xavier's stare burning deep into me. He began the register, calling our names yet when it came to mine I didn't bother answering. I heard a slight sigh before he continued, not questioning why I didn't answer. "Ethan, I would like to see you after class." I heard and his voice sounded forced and with a hint of angriness. I shrugged my shoulders and barely listened to what we were supposed to be doing. "Today class, I want you to draw a picture that shows how you feel. Deeply, and truly. Off you go." He spoke with a slight smile, and everyone began chattering and drawing in their sketchbooks. I like art, well... At least I did like it until Xavier showed up. I gritted my teeth as I grabbed my pencils, turning to a clean page before I began sketching a detailed picture of a boy, staring at himself in the mirror, cheeks hollowed, spine ridges showing and bruised, rib cage poking the skin of his chest. His wrists were bruised and slit, his back covered in whip marks and dried blood. And on the floor lay a spilt tub of anti-depressants, scattered at his feet which were leaning sideways, as if he was about to fall.

I've always been one to draw graphic things, and this is how I felt truly and deeply. I set down my pencil and watched as Mr Hendrix made his way round the class, taking a glance at students work and smiling as he praised them. That continued until he looked at mine, that smile fading into a frown, a look of guilt and sadness in his eyes until it was hidden by a stone cold look. "Very deep Ethan." He commented before walking to the next student. I sighed and shut my sketchbook, slipping it into my bag before I laid my head on the desk.

The bell finally went, I grabbed my bag and followed the last student to the door until Xavier grabbed my wrist causing me to growl and spin round while he shut the door, "if I remember rightly, I asked you to stay." He commented with a slight smirk before he released my wrist. I sighed and sat on one of the front desks, looking at the floor while I crossed my arms, "what do you want?"

Xavier's POV

"What do you want?" I heard him speak in that sweet yet stubborn voice,"I want to know how you are doing, I want to know why you drew such a deeply emoted drawing and I want to know how you are coping with life right now." I spoke softly, trying to show I care. He rolled his eyes for me to see before he sighed, "I'm fine, when you kicked me out, I got a job a year later and bought a cheap house, doctors doubled my dose of anti depressants which I didn't take this morning, and I drew that because that's how I feel." He replied, my eyes widening at his words, "show me your arms." I quickly stated, watching as his eyebrow raised while he lifted his long sleeves of his sweater. I sighed in relief at the clear skin, no signs of cuts or past scars. I sighed deeply before looking into his eyes, not letting his sight go from mine, "Ethan... I'm so sorry..." I apologized and took a step forward, taking his hands in mine. "X-Xavier I...

Ooh cliffhanger c: I'm so evil. Anyway, thanks for readiiiiing :3 love you all!

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