chapter 26

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Me and niko went on so many rides and i just felt like i had the best time in such a while, i'm so glad we're "dating" i think i don't really know what we're labelled as, well talk about it later.

"Y/nnnn"he drags on.

"Nikoooo"i copy.

"your beautiful, i'm generally being honest, i love everything about you,i'm so in love with you and i really wanna take whatever we are into the next will you be my girlfriend?"he says

"nah i'm good thanks"i say as a joke

"oh"he replies feeling bare sad

"IM JOKING, of course i would love to be your girlfriend"i say and give him a peck on the cheek

he blushes,takes my hand and we start walking back to the car so we can go back to the beta mansion.

"soo what do you wanna do right now?" he asks smirking at all the things we can do

"Let's play hide and seek PLEASEEE, just the 2 of us tho"i suggest, him nodding along to the suggestion.

"i'll hide"i say running away from niko.

I knew where to hide,it was such a good place,niko had a secret door in his room,which he never goes into and i thought it was perfect.


"58...59...60"i had no finished counting.

I knew where she was because i remember her talking about hiding there last time, it was in my room - the secret door. Oh how she thought she was gonna be slick and trick me haha...

i enter my room making sure not to make any noise, which i succeeded at of course.I then waited there until she was gonna give up and come out, i was gonna scare her as soon as that happened. I settled up a camera just so then it would make it even more fun.

i waited like 30minutes until i heard ruffling behind the door, she was definitely getting fidgety and needed to get out.I couldn't wait to scare my y/n hehe.


i had to get out, it had been roughly 30 minutes and i really wanted to spend time with him instead of wasting it.I decided i was gonna get out.

As i opened the door all i heard was someone shouting "BOOO" and i screamed as loud as i could and went back inside of the cupboard. I was petrified.I heard niko laughing. What a bitch, he was definitely not gonna get any affection tonight...silent treatment it was. I walk out of the cupboard and go straight out of his room as i was too annoyed to speak to him but i also wanted to see what he would do so i followed with my plan, also trying to prank him.

i went straight downstairs,and i started to talk to chunkz.

"Hiiii, i'm giving Niko the silent treatment please talk to me"i plead. Chunkz nods along following the plan

I hear someone sprint down the stairs and run up to me.

"Y/n...are you mad at me"niko says, while i ignore him and continue my conversation with chunkz.

"y/nnnnnnn....y/nnn..?? Y/N WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME??"niko says trying to get my attention.

i just walk off and go to his room as he follows me.I climb into his bed,put the covers over me and turn on his tv.He does the same but this time he slithers an arm around my waist and places his head on my chest.My heart starts to beat way more faster and i can feel him smile on my neck..he knows the advantage he has on me and starts to slowly tease it even more.

he starts to nuzzle his face into the crook of my neck and starts kissing it slowly whispering sweet stuff into my neck.

"Your so beautiful" *kiss*

"Your amazing" *kiss*

"you the fucking best" *kiss*

"your the best i ever had" *kiss*
<drake lyric^>

"Heyy did you just quote drake"i say

"Heyyy did you just stop with the silent treatment" he says all pouty and cute.

"Yup"i say while pecking his lips.

"wowww y/n that wasn't even a proper kiss"he says all moody.

actions speak louder than words i guess so i pressed my lips onto him slowly moving them in sync as he starts to kiss back. He pins me to the bed and kisses me even harder and sloppier which turns into some amazing heated makeout session.We both pull away for air and make intense eye contact as he says with a groan before he pulls back in "y/n stop looking at me like that"

He goes in and starts to kiss me again this time full off even more passion and even more happiness as we both realise this is practically a dream come true...he was such an amazing kisser i never wanted this to stop...but all the other boys were in the house so we could take it any further and so we soon gradually stopped and i started to cuddle into him.

"i really do love you niko"i say but there was no response. He had fallen asleep already..aww what a cutie this was just amazing.


first off all yeah why tf did no one tell me that i needed to update you lot are idiots for not doing that.  Disappointed i am.

anyways this is a long chapter i'm probably gonna update another chapter tonight.

do you feel like i should continue this book or slowly start to end it soon BUT make another niko x reader book??

alr sfe🫡

I missed you ||| Niko omilana x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora