chapter 19

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"so how much moneyyyyyyyy did you make" chunkz sings

"only a tenner" sharky says annoyed

"HEH a tenner??"i say shocked

"yeahhhhhh man" aj says

"we made like £150"niko says

"ugh we lost"nella says

"you know what that means ladies and gentlemens!!!!!!!!!!!!" chunkz says.


"YAYYYYYYY" i say happily

*end of video*

"i am soooo tired"niko says

"well i did say you can get some rest after the video so off you goooo"i say to niko

"i'm not sleeping without you"niko says

i screamed inside my head

"Oh"nella says

"hm what do you mean by that niko?"sharky says in a laughy tone

"there's gonna be some positions tonighttttt"chunkz says

"bugger off you know what i mean"niko says

"i really don't niko so please, go ahead and explain" i say joking

"ugh i hate you so much"niko says

"love you too babes" i say in a jokey way

he just walks upstairs pissed off as he clearly is annoyed by what's happened

i just sit there on my phone when i look up and see everyone giving looks at me

"what" i say

"go to him then"nella says

"exactly you just gonna leave him to do positions by himself or what"chunkz says

"can't leave a man alone can you?"kenny says

"you know you wanna" aj says

"uhhh what do you mean"i say

"Go to niko right now" nella says

"but like i thought-" i say

"-shush you need to go to him, he's clearly pissed so see if you can sort that out" aj says

"fine" i say

*walking upstairs to nikos room*

I knock on the door and i hear a quiet "come in"

"hey"i say

"what do you want" niko says

"are you mad at me"i say walking up to him

"no-well yes- but kinda" niko says all jumbled up

"why did i do something wrong" i say confused

"you just let them say all them things and you didn't stand up for me"niko says

"aw i'm sorry i didn't realise it would impact you nikolas"i say on my way to give him a hug

he hugs me back and i ask him if he wants to watch movies and i get a small nod "do you want too lay down and i'll get some snacks for the movie?"

"yes please y/n" niko says

"alright babes" i say (babes in a friendly way btw)

i go downstairs and get popcorn,drinks,sweets n chocolates and i go back to his room

"here you go neeko" i say

"what a lovely nickname" he says sarcastically

"omggg i know right"i say

"what movie do you wanna watch?" he asks

"hmmm up to you nikolas"i reply

he puts on your favourite movie because he wants to try and slowlyyyy make moves to you throughout the movie

"omg this is my favourite movie!!!!!"i say happily

"yes i know y/n that's why i put it on"niko says while taking a sip of his drink

"what a cutie" i say


ahhh i hope that was a long chapter and sorry for not updating for 4 days i've just been so lazy and i couldnr be asked to😭😭

alr sfe 🫡

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