Chapter 12

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Nikos POV:
This was too much to take in... she likes me?!
Maybe it was some dare or y/n got framed to say it? But there's still a chance she likes maybe I can make a move on her..
I went up the stairs quickly but quietly and I go into bed pretending like I'm sleeping

I'm lost in my thoughts thinking "should I make moves on her NOW or should I wait for her to say something?"

I decide to be a "man" and start making tiny moves on her to see here reactions - if they reactions good then it was evident she likes me (I shouldn't get my ego too high up tho)

"Nikooo wake up we gotta do the video remember?"y/n said in a whiny voice desperate to get me to wake up

"Noooo i wanna sleep im tired"i said faking it

"Niko come on after we film the video you can sleep however long you want"y/n says sitting on nikos bed

"If you cuddle with me for 5 minutes I'll get up"Niko says very with a cute little smile on his face

Omg Omg Omg he just asked to cuddle with him..ughh my feelings are too much rn he's just so mf cute ahh

"Hmm ok ok Nikolas" I said slowly getting into his bed

Without hesitation niko grabbed my waist pulled me closer to him and put one arm round my waist making sure I'm very close to him and out faces are nearly touching

"Just 5 minutes"Niko said

"Mmhm sure" I said knowing that it's gonna turn into more than 5 minutes


This was for that one person I said I would update for on the comments😻😭

Anyways this is really short cuz I'm so tired rn and I really wanna go sleep

So I'll update tommorow for sure still 👍🏾👍🏾

Alr bye 🖖🏾👽

I missed you ||| Niko omilana x readerWhere stories live. Discover now