| talents |
− voice acting
− mimicry
− archery
− acrobatics

| ultimate attack |
| "eyes on all sides" |
[ in which Avi unravels his whip, before violently snapping it, summoning a massive shower of lightning upon the battlefield. at the same time, he summons a large crown of electrified electrified feathers above his head - with many large eyes on the end of each feather. ]
[ every enemy on the battlefield, regardless of whether or not they are within his field of vision, have a tracking sigil placed upon them and a shroud of thunder and cloud over their head, causing severe disorientation and emotional turmoil. ]


| personality |

| Avi is a very intelligent, self-confident young man with a cunning disposition. he knows how to get his way, and he is not afraid to do bad things to get the desired result. overall, he is very nonchalant, sarcastic, and friendly.

in most settings, Avi is seen as eccentric, or even rude due to how blunt he can be. he is not ashamed of himself, and has no issue speaking up about an issue. he tends to be very exaggerated in terms of speech and body language, and chooses his words carefully in almost all situations as to keep up appearances. his facade and behavior change drastically depending on the person he is interacting with, resulting in a very malleable personality that can switch emotions on a dime.

speaking of which, Avi has an incredibly good hold of his emotions. except for when he's drunk or alone, but that's to be expected.

also, contrary to popular belief, Avi is actually incredibly introverted. he spends most of his time in his dimension playing games if he isn't doing his job, and very rarely opens up to other people. whenever he catches himself getting comfortable around others, he instinctively shoves them away and tries to hide.

contrary to his ally, Max, Avi is the one to START fights. |


| background |

| nobody has gotten close enough to Avi to unlock his backstory. |


| relationships |

| Athanasios, the Dark Deity |
[ friendly + fellow Deity ]
− mutual respect
− Avi enjoys being in his presence
− he finds the god of death comforting

| Xena, the Light Deity |
[ friends + fellow Deity ]
− they're chill w each other
− occasionally meet up for sparring
− finds it rlly cool how Xena has multiple weapons

| Altalune, the Moon Deity |
[ fear ]
− Avi is extremely uncomfortable around Altalune
− he's a bit scared of her for undisclosed reasons
− probably bc she sees right through every facade he tries to put on

| Maribelle, the Time Deity |
[ acquaintances + fellow Deity ]
− absolutely ADORES her aesthetic
− but she has way too much energy for him
− they don't talk much

| Solstice, the Earth Deity |
[ comfortable, friendly + fellow Deity ]
− the mother figure he never had <3
− sometimes he visits her dimension to just sit and exist in her presence
− they chat abt fashion, humanity, etc
− he's fallen asleep in her lap more times than he likes to admit

| Fionn, the Ice Deity |
[ strangers ]
− never met him

| Sorrel, the Flora Deity |
[ close + fellow Deity ]
− LOVES his aesthetic
− also he finds Sorrel hot
− they hang out a lot in Sorrel's dimension
− takes a lot of photos of him bc pretty fox bard <3

| Bayu, the Wind Deity |
[ friends + fellow Deity ]
− thinks Bayu is adorable
− know each other through Sorrel
− they like to chill in each other's presence

| Max, the Fire Deity |
[ close + fellow Deity ]
− argue with + tease each other but in a friendly way
− also thinks Max is attractive
− helps Max w/ his hair/outfits for banquets


| trivia |

− the ribbon around his neck is a shapeshifting article of clothing. it counts as a self-defense weapon bc he can just unwrap it and turn it into a sword lmao.

− Avi is an Indian peacock.

− Avi is an Old-Age Mystic, meaning he has markings along his body resembling his feathers in animal form, along with actual feather sprouts. luckily, his markings and feathers can be easily covered.

− Avi has proven to be an incredibly fast runner, even able to outrun Sorrel - an actual fox - during a race.

− he has stated that he is partly afraid of Altalune due to her being an owl.


| gallery |

[ n / a, I haven't drawn him yet ;-; ]




sorry I haven't uploaded in a hot minute, I've been severely depressed as of late-

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