Chapter 13: Not According To Plan/The Wedding

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"And how are you gonna tell Charlie? You know how she gets when she's stressed out. And this isn't even her wedding."

"I know, but I don't have much of a choice! I just...I just have to tell her flat out. Misa might be late with Blitzø's dress."

"She's going to be late?!" The group was startled by Lyra's panicked shout "H-How can she be late?! She's the seamstress her, and she helped arrange everything!"

"L-Lyra, just calm down--"

"We have to tell Charlie, (Y/N) and Blitzø will be here soon! Once they find out their clothes aren't ready--!" Lyra winced in pain, feeling Vaggie grab her wing as she tried to take off.

"Lyra, get a hold of yourself! Listen to me, I know this is bad, but you running up to Charlie in a panic won't help."

"But--!" Vaggie covered her mouth.

"But nothing! Look at me, because I'm only going to say this one time. Do not, and I repeat, do not say anything about this to anyone. Especially not to Charlie. She's already stressed out about Misa not returning her calls, and now we finally know why."

"Vaggie, I know you don't want to stress Charlie out, but you really shouldn't keep this from her. Plus there's (Y/N) and Blitzø to think about. Once they find out their clothes aren't here..."

"I know I know, and I'm not keeping it from her. She's better off hearing it from me, the only issue is I can't stop her long enough to--"

"She's going to be late?!" They froze as they could hear Charlie yelling.

"Ooh shit, I think she already knows." Angel commented. They quickly followed Vaggie as she made her way to the lobby, where they found Charlie speaking to Octavia.

"But-But your mother was supposed to officiate the wedding! How could she get the dates mixed up?! I told her it would be today, not tomorrow!" the princess groaned, hitting her face with the clipboard. Octavia rolled her eyes as she took it from her.

"First of all, stop being so bloody dramatic." she said, lightly smacking the princess' head before she could argue with her "Secondly, it's really not her fault. She said she would get out of that meeting as fast as she could. With Dad being unable to make appearances, she's the one that has to fill in for him. Even with Boxley's help, it's still pretty overwhelming for her."

"Um, what was that about something being overwhelming?" Vaggie asked.

"Did we miss something here? What's going on?" Angel asked, flinching as Charlie turned to face them. The expression on her face alone screamed stress.

"Oh nothing much you guys, only that the princess overseeing the wedding is going to be late!" Charlie whined as she sat on the couch "What if the meeting takes longer than planned?"

"Charlie--" Octavia tried to comfort her friend, only for her rant to continue.

"If your mom doesn't come on time, what else can we do?! Who can we get to replace her at the last minute?!"

"Charlie! For the love of Satan, please calm down! If Mum can't do it, why don't you do it instead?" she suggested.

"What, me?"

"You are the princess of Hell, you could fill in for her. If anything, I'm sure (Y/N) would appreciate it. You allowed him and his fiance to stay here, and you did talk to him daily after Blitzø left. If anyone is more suited for this honor, it's you."

"Huh, when ya put it like that, she's got a point. You did save him from sinking into depression." Angel commented.

"I-I guess I could do it. But this is my first time planning a wedding, and to officiate one is a different story! Didn't your Mom have a speech and everything planned?"

Blitzø x Male Reader: Secret Sinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن