-Chapter Seven-

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                      It's been months, and all He did was train and fend off the world from the demons that wanted to suck all of the world's purities... One time when He was hunting for his next meal, a demon was hunting the same rabbit he had his eyes on and in the end, the demon got to it first and this just got him angry and hungrier. He ended up going to sleep hungry that night, stomach grumbling with hunger with every passing hour but He was successful with falling asleep nevertheless.. The Line has been irritated that these demons that He's fighting aren't losing and He didn't even think that they're even running out of numbers, He feels as if they're rapidly multiplying cause how else would these monsters still be hunting him down if they didn't have any other demons to spare.

He travelled far and wide, looking for a much better solution for his troubles, He didn't know if He could keep going with this little adventure that he's started, for one he was getting tired, his body was weak and hungry. And He honestly had no plans and He was just winging it, wondering what his future is going to be. He looked down at his hands, they looked ill and grey-ish. He groaned, not sure what was happening to him-- He felt fine, He knew He was fine but his skin looked sickly. He was using bandages to cover them up, it's better for people to think he was injured than sick. He ditched the house He found a long while ago, He didn't quite feel safe there anymore and once He noticed the demons kept coming back to that place He quickly packed up and is currently on a new adventure to find a home, a secluded place where He could rest in after a long day of fighting demons and sending them away. He even met a few people along the way, who were also on an adventure to find someplace safe for their children. They bid him good luck and even offered some of their food and as rude that it may have looked The line took the food and scarfed it down like a wild animal, his hunger quickly taking over his brain and as He finished his food, the people offered him more and some water before leaving... He was dumbfounded by the kindness of the family and swore more on his promise to protect everyone on this world.


It took him a while, days turned to weeks and finally He found a cave in the middle of nowhere. He settled down for a few days to replenish his energy, He hunted down a rabbit for supper and slept like a baby once the day was over... He was suddenly awakened a few hours after dawn all so suddenly, eyes wandered about looking for the cause of the sound. He got up and took his weapon, getting ready to fight if needed. He was getting better at surviving, better at hunting and his skills were growing each day he spent.


I managed to halt from my story telling when I suddenly felt the ground shaking underneath me. I looked up at the people who were in a panic, clutching to the nearest person to them. I stepped down from the platform, jumping down with effort as the shaking grew more intense. "EVERYONE! PLEASE COVER YOURSELF!" boomed a voice and I panicked as I picked up my book bag and clutched it over my head, scared for my life. I followed the people who were following orders from the barking policemen, I don't know how I managed to try to stay calm but I did, my heart thumped in my chest like it was about to burst out. I saw the double doors that led outside and hurriedly tried to get out and when I was out I was relieved to see the sun shining down on me, hurting my eyes but I did not care right now! I was alive, I was out of there and when I looked around I didn't see anybody who was injured. I saw how shaky the world looked, the buildings near us looked like they were ready to fall and the big museum in front of me is slowly falling apart... I watched the wide building practically crumble, the screaming turned into white noise and I could barely even focus on what was going on-- the building I tried so hard to build a community in was falling apart right in front of me; I couldn't even move even if I tried to.. even if I wanted to but I just couldn't tear my eyes away from the building.

This has to be a dream. I'm just dreaming right now. I'm at home, sleeping and this is just a weird, scary nightmare. I tried blinking away the view but all it did was make the tears that were already forming in my eyes to fall, hitting my hand that was in front of me clutching my bag. "No..." I managed to whisper out, slowly the sounds came crashing back, I could feel someone shaking me and shouting for me to move and I just stood there frozen; unsure of what to do... But this person didn't give up; they managed to pull me away from the entire cluster and debris, and into a safe space where everyone was joined together in a group. From children to adults alike, they looked shivering with fear. I felt my knees jiggle like jelly, finally collapsing on the concrete. I had my hands over my face, book bag on the ground beside me.

"I lost it all..." I mumbled to myself, almost puking at my own words. I was delusional to think that this was all a dream. This isn't a F U C K I N G dream. It never was to begin with and yet here I am crying and wishing it was, I WISH IT WAS and then maybe I could forget about it because it wasn't real... maybe just... maybe...

But, no it wasn't. This was real life and everything is ending.

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