-Chapter Four-

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                                  "Ah, finally.. You're awake." Solaris stirred up, head banging and his chest kind of pounding, He gazed around, trying to pinpoint where He was but for the first time, He was stumped and He couldn't believe that He actually felt stuck in something..

"WHO ARE YOU?!" He roared, glaring at the enemy as it was preparing some tea, the kettle fuming out a whistling sound that irritated Solaris even more. "Tell me who you are before I kill you!" He roared again, his dragon side becoming more in control of his form and actions.
"Calm down, if I wanted to hurt you I would have done so.." The creature said, the kettle finally quiet as it poured the hot water inside a giant mug.. "You've been sleeping for quite some time, I assumed you haven't had a good night's sleep in eons?" with a raised brow, It handed the mug to Solaris which the big purple beast took gingerly, out of respect.

"I am what you call a villager from the hulls; My village was not as I wanted it to be so I ran away. And its been years since I last saw people like me, people who knew what I was. I might even be delirious right now and just hallucinating but its good enough for me." It stopped talking and took a seat, the cracking of old bones irritating Solaris's ears. "My name is... Iris." The "person" introduced. "I'm Solaris."

"Oh I know who you are, mighty hero." They then looked at Solaris, smiling- it was a kind smile it felt eerie for Solaris so they just focused their attention to their cup of tea. "You've been all around the world, from universe to universe.. tell me about these adventures."

"It's nothing, they're fun and I get to meet new people." It wasn't the whole truth but Solaris felt like this person couldn't be trusted at all.

"Aren't you tired?" They asked after a long pause of staring.

"No, not at all." lies.

"I see.." was all the other could muster, the tension so thick that it just left the conversation completely.

Solaris was mostly left with his thoughts now, staring at the still tea in his hands. He felt like He wanted to get swallowed by the small cup- escape this never ending fate of his.. But He chose this, He WANTED this.. This was the path He took so why would He be complaining now? He took another sip and another until the cup was completely empty..

Now that the cup was laid down on the table, He turned to the other creature.. He was going to open his mouth to ask them about something when a loud explosion erupted not too far from there and his first instinct was to rush outside to look for the explosions residue. He saw smoke from the north side, He nodded to himself getting back inside and taking his stuff.. "I know it's rude but I have to go--" He said but He was stopped by the creature, shaking its head.

"Do you really have to?" They asked and Solaris just stared at them in disbelief. "YES I DO, NOW MOVE ASIDE--" They didn't budge, they were stronger than they looked and Solaris was a gigantic dragon and this creature wasn't even half HIS side.. "Aren't you tired, Solaris?" They asked, eyes looking up at the taller male in a more disappointed look but in between that look were a slight hint of concern.
"Those people will be alright but you need to stop rushing into things, what if it's just a false alarm and you've wasted your time?" They asked, crossing their arms in front of their chest, shaking their head in disapproval. "Sit down."


"Don't be a brat, I'm older than you-- shouldn't you be respecting me? Isn't that part of your motto or something?" They got him there, it was part of who they were and they weren't just going to break that because of how silly this person was talking. All of this felt like nonsense to Solaris and nothing could swerve his thoughts away.. Solaris was bitter but He did as the person told him so, He sat down and they were just both staring at each other-- not speaking just the sound of the cackling fire from the fireplace was heard until Solaris finally broke the ice and coughed, clearing his throat.

"How did you know they were going to be okay?" He asked, the person mid drinking his tea looked up and smiled. "Because that was a timed explosion, I evacuated the people already since there's been an infectious root under them.. I destroyed it, hence the explosion." They explained then continued to drink their tea, silently drinking as they watched Solaris ponder if He should trust this Hulls outcast or not, it was a hard decision-- this person hasn't even showed him any good intentions but They haven't actually expressed any ill intentions either so Solaris felt stuck again..

"You're a hero Solaris and I can't change that mind-set of yours but I'd like to try to actually convince you of putting yourself first before anything else, I mean if you die.. What's your plan then?" They asked. "I mean you'll be dead.. And your legacy will live on but dying before you defeated your goal isn't something you'd want.. Right?"

"No, not at all.. I want everyone to be at peace.. I want everything to be okay.." Solaris stared down at his hands, gripping them into a tight fist.. "I will do anything to make that happen--"

"Then live, hero."

"I am alive." Solaris said, a bit offended by the comment.

"Being just alive, surviving and living your life are all different concepts that people seemed to push away as one?" They smiled at Solaris then finally finished their tea. "I think our conversation has finally reached its end. I shall see you around mighty Solaris. Hoping that your living situation is better than today." They set the cup down, the whole room covered in mist and as it cleared, the person disappeared.

Solaris was once again left dumbfounded, He looked around the area and it already looked quite abandoned, He picked up his belongings and left for another place, He didn't need to stay there anymore- now... time to look for a reason to "live" as the person said.. But how was He going to find that when He abandoned his family to reach this dream of his. He felt lost and for the first time in eons, He was thinking of a plan.

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