-Chapter Three-

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                           "Hello, good morning." The same girl who had spoken to me yesterday was now on her toes, looking at me with what I assumed is a sketchbook mushed in between her arms and chest. "I've been too excited to come back!" She chirps, following me inside then I saw the normal kids that wandered about and the parents who stayed- maybe for their child or an interest in what I had to say?

"Hello everyone!" I greeted with a smile, clapping my hands loudly to get everyone's attention and I'm happy it did 'cause I really didn't have the energy to deal with little mishaps but of course I could never ruin people's mood because I'm out of it. I then gestured them to follow me and of course they followed suit.
"So Who's story should we move unto now?" I asked, gesturing to all the paintings and statues around us. "Why don't you continue with your little story about this dragon creature yesterday.." a woman said, carrying her toddler as She stood mostly in front of the crowd. "OH! You mean Solaris? Yes, I almost forgot that we started his story yesterday." I said, scratching the back of my head then I walked towards a statue built just next to Solaris's portrait.
"Well Solaris is a mighty warrior, a great and ferocious dragon who wouldn't think twice when saving someone in need- also I might add..."


Solaris was a traveller alright, He was also a reality jumper. Shifting from reality to reality, He can even travel to a reality where no bad thing has happened or the exact opposite. Solaris travelled far and wide, He visited realities that seemed like a fairy tale to most creatures, You can say that he's seen it all..

He was sitting beside a tree, watching the sun sink down, the sky a pretty lavender and orange gradient, the shadows of the trees almost as big as himself.. He'd been in a recent adventure and was resting, gaining energy and replenishing it with food and water.. The wind brushed against his skin making him wince from the sudden breeze, a recent and still bloody wound on his shoulder, He'd been in a nasty fight but of course He won- thought He didn't quite feel this "win" today but despite all that's happened, He kept his head up and swore that He'll rid the evil of this world and gain peace.

Finally.. He'll have peace.


"Wait is that it?" someone asked from the crowd which gained everyone's attention, I turned to look at them, hair buzzed off and it was hard to pinpoint whether they were male or female. "Is that it, like He's just going off into universes, going into realities to save people He doesn't even know or care about?" They asked which made me cough out, it was a lot of questions right off the bat but I was glad enough to answer the person.

"Well He swore that He'll use his strength to help people in need, He trained to be everyone's hero and I just said that He has a mission to get rid of every evil imaginable-"

"So he can finally rest?" They asked, catching me off-guard. "Cause your story clearly states that He's been doing this for a long while and hasn't had proper rest in years maybe?"

"You are right, He's doing this so He can finally rest up-"

"Maybe If he recruited others to join him, His job wouldn't be that hard." They said, cutting me off completely. They had a point but that isn't how Solaris's story went-

"He's a warrior and He didn't want to burden the others with fighting, He's has the proper training, He took it upon himself to do this for the future of everyone."

"Even if it makes him sad-" an old woman from the crowd covered the person's mouth, sighing as she apologized for his granddaughter's behaviour. I smiled and dismissed what had happened, she had some pointer and I'd wish that Solaris did end up getting some help but We'll see as we progress through his story. I cleared my throat to catch everyone's attention.

"Well now, back to where I was..."


Solaris looked up from the ground; a snapping sound had snapped him out of his mini nap. He looked around, getting up slowly and clutching his weapon tightly- ready to attack if needed.
Though once he gained more of an insight around him, He saw that it was just a deer running around and rustling with every tree to bush that it encountered and maybe snapped a few branches here and there, thought it did look like it was running away from something so Solaris decided to actually investigate further, He stood up straight holding his stuff as He watched the deer rush away, the darkness engulfing it completely.

He brushed pass some trees, eyes squinting at the darkness in front of him. Nothing seemed out of ordinary but the feeling of something just lurking around him didn't fade, it won't fade until He finds it or proves to himself that nothing really is there. He held his spear and it was nested neatly on his shoulder, the moon shining down on the sharp blade. "It's probably nothing.." Solaris whispered to himself.

"I might be getting paranoid because of my line of work." He breathed out as if He was breathless, his eyes still scanning his surroundings. "Don't make this harder on yourself, if you're out there just come out and we can settle this quick." He said, voice monotone and yet still threatening..

"You can just show yourself, I've already caught your scent." He said, now that his suspicions were correct, He didn't want to rest until He defeated this wicked creature lurking around. "Fine." someone finally spoke, their voice hoarse and low.

"I think I've tortured your senses long enough." The voice said and then out came a dragonoid, this creature had horns and wings but the only thing it lacked was its majestic tail.
"Who are you?" Solaris asked, making the other smile with amusement.

"Don't worry, we have all the time in the world to talk." was all Solaris could hear from the creature before passing out, a thinly green mist surrounding him as He crashed down into the soft grassy field.

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