-Chapter Six-

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                    Before the Line was truly happy, He went through a huge amount of changes in his life, gained powers that He used to transform these evil beings into slaves that were owned by the truly good. He was their saviour, He was one of the people who made a huge impact on the world we know today, it took them a while but were there now, We're all finally happy and safe but of course We shouldn't forget about what they all did for us, what they gave up just to gain true happiness in their lives... a privilege they didn't grow in but a goal they set on themselves.

"You Won, The Line..." It rang in his head over and over again, He didn't truly feel like He won, nor did the victory make him feel any better about it. It was echoing in his mind, always thinking that He did something wrong and the creature was mocking him with its last words and whatever the demon was trying to do, it worked.. He was thinking about it for days and days to no end and it was taking him nowhere.


"You mentioned that this was back during the 2019 era?" someone asked, making pause from my story and I nodded attentively... "Yes, this happened during that, why?" I asked,

"So this happened not too long ago, do you think The Line is still alive?" She continued to ask and now that I'm observing her, she was the same girl that said that my stories were great and that these were great inspiration to her. "I think The Line is still alive, maybe and He's somewhere out there fighting some evil monster... or something." She said, turning down to her sketchpad, then nodding. "Wouldn't you think so?" She continued on as she turned to look at me with curiosity in her eyes. I didn't really have an answer for her question but I did thought about it before, wondering if The Line was still among us fighting off evil just to keep us safe and that thought alone made me feel at ease with my everyday life.

"I won't lie to you, I don't know where The Line is, the last person to have seen him as I recall is the person who interviewed him about his time as a warrior, and that was back when He was first starting off so I don't really know if this person is still in this city or not." I said and I saw her face morph into a sad expression, it was expected from an answer like that. "But you still believe that He's out there, right?" someone chimed in, I gave a nod.

"Yes, I do believe so." I said confidently and that seemed to bring a smile on the kid's face, I let out a sigh of contentment then turned back to the statue.. "Now, where was I..." I said.


The Line wandered off into endless adventures, fighting off demons left and right, gaining their souls and more experience with fighting them. He was lonely but did all He could to protect the world He resided in. He didn't have a partner nor did He ever had the intentions of looking for one, He felt contended with just him and on this adventure... to him, the demons He fought were entertaining enough that He didn't think about those stuff all that much and it'll be a hassle to save the universe if He was going to put one thing over the other, He didn't want to have to choose between them so He is satisfied with his arrangement.
He settled in an abandoned looking town, there was a well-conditioned house that He set himself in. It has a sturdy bed and things He can use on the daily, there was a well not too far from the village and He took a bath there, thinking none of the demons He'd fought and He felt quite alone and peaceful for a brief moment but that feeling faded as fast as it came when He heard rustling just as He was putting on clothes..

He managed to put on pants when He approached the rustling and saw another demon, watching him like a creep so He confronted it with a heavy punch on the face and He continued with a kick until the demon was now on the ground with his foot up against its chest, pushing it down on the ground. "Stay the fuck down or I'll just simply kill you." The Line threatened, and then gained back his composure. "Now, why were you just watching me, you fucking creep?" He asked, glaring down at the demon with so much hatred. The demon only screeched at him which made him angrier, He pressed down harder.

"Death it is then." He said in a monotone voice, then He reached down and choked the demon with his bare hands, it squirmed then The Line took his soul, leaving it dead on the ground. He sighs softly, pushing himself to his clothes and putting them on completely. "This abandoned town didn't feel so safe right now, but it's better than anything else." He went back to the first house He entered and took shelter there for the time being, He ended up setting up traps and alarms for when and if someone were hunting him down. He couldn't sleep at all that night, He just laid there thinking of all the ways He can survive the demons and this world filled with corruption closing his thoughts as He remembered the first time He'd taken a soul and the last words that lingered in his mind.

"I'll win for real this time." He told himself. "And even if it ends my life, I will rid of this world from all the evil it's consumed." He said with such determination that He felt like it really wasn't him saying it, but it was and He felt proud of it even if people won't see him as a hero He was willing to sacrifice his life for his world.

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