-Chapter Two-

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                             I clutched unto the pole inside the train, my eyes watery from the smoke that was coming from a passenger not too far from me. 'why would they even let anybody smoke here!' I wanted to yell but sadly if I caused a scene I wouldn't make it on time for work and I'm already late enough as it is. I pushed pass the passengers when the door finally opened, gasping for fresh air before quickly making a turn, running towards the stairs and finally seeing the museum up front. "FINALLY!" I stated, letting out a deep sigh. I wiped the sweat that dribbled down my face before facing the children and their parents.

"Good morning, everyone!" I greeted with a cheerful smile, clutching my sling bag tightly.. I felt a little nervous today but I quickly shook away those feelings. "Who is ready for another day inside the museum?" I asked, opening the doors for them. "I'm sure you'll be interested with Venn's adventure outside of their peaceful village?"

"And I'm still not convinced why She would even do that." boomed the same teen from yesterday, it made me smile to see the same faces.. Seems like they are really interested- or that could just be me talking out of my ass cause I want this museum to have more recognition that it deserves. "I'm sure you'll be-"

"And it seems so fake that Vern wants to come." He added, cutting me off and that caught me off guard. "Why do you think so?" I asked, almost losing my cool. I then heard the kid scoff.
"Because He said that it was useless to leave, their village has everything so why leave and him suddenly wanting to for the sake of their love just doesn't add up."

"How would you know that, little boy?" I asked, my mood sour but I still gave out a small smile. "Have you ever fallen in love before?" I asked again, staring down at him from the mini stage I stood on. "You can't make comments like that unless you've experienced it yourself- I mean how would you know what Vern was feeling at that time?" I forced a grin then went back to the painting of Vern and Venn fleeing from the village that they grew up in.

"If you don't have anything else to say, we can continue on with the story!" I stated cheerfully, clasping my hands together. "So... Vern held his lover's hand, looking straight into her eyes..."


A deep and tender stare, his heart thumped inside his chest and Venn couldn't help but start to tear up, cheeks puffy already as if she was trying to hold it in. "Please tell me you're not joking.. And just trying to make it harder for me to leave-" Venn said, accusingly, as she rubbed her eyes with her free hand.. She then looked down at the ground, glaring at it and hating herself for almost breaking down in front of Vern. She looked up finally, shaking her head. "The people here need you," She stated but Vern could only laugh at her.

"As I said this place is peaceful and I wouldn't want to ever leave this beautiful place but what you said really got me thinking and I'd rather spend my days with you than see you leave and hope that you'll come back some day-" She leapt up and gave him a hug, tears finally streaming down her cheeks.

"Now, what are we waiting for?" Venn asked, happily pulling Vern outside along with their belongings. "Let's get this adventure started!" She cheered, fist in the air and this shiny happy expression on her eyes.


"They both got their way, Venn having the adventure she dreamt of and Vern just happily tagging along the love of his life-" I said with a smile, sighing happily.
"Oh.. Oh! Do you have any other stories to tell?" One girl asked, her tiny figure up on top of her guardian's shoulder, she held a brown worn out looking bear. "Of course I do, which one are you most interested in?" I asked, gesturing to the dozens of paintings that lined the wall and it took her a moment to scan the room and then point to one I wasn't expecting to tell so soon. It was the tallest painting in the room, the tallest and grandest one to be seen..

"That's Solaris." I said, ushering them over to the magnificent painting.

"He's a purple dragon as you can see; He's a traveller, travelling through multiverses- realities that seemed so surreal." I stated proudly, pointing now to his wings. "His wings are big and strong, He's a very large dragon that towers even the tallest human imaginable." I said, a bit exaggerated. I heard little gasps and oohs in the crowd. "What else does He do?" One asked and I couldn't be any happier to be talking about him.



Solaris was just a normal child back then, who wished to travel the world someday but since He wasn't gaining anything as He trained, He thought He would be a "failure" but He did try to prove everyone wrong. He did keep on training, gaining a muscular body and gradually becoming strong. He hadn't had many friends, He wasn't close with others but as He grew up- He noticed how people stared at him..


"You see, Solaris is quite a handsome guy, these ladies were greatly attracted to him.." I let out a soft laugh when I saw the morphed kid's faces.. These were expression of disgust by the term of attraction. "He's great and all but why do the others like him? I will NEVER fall in love!" One kid said which made me laugh out loud.
"You'll understand when you grow older, kid." I spoke in which I gained another grossed out face and a little huff. "I will never feel attraction to anything!" He declared, fist in the air like He's won something.
"And that okay too," I said with a tender smile then cleared my throat, gesturing back to Solaris. "As I was saying.. Our friend Solaris gained a following, He had admirers and that boosted his confidence as He grew older..." as I parted my lips to actually add more to my dialog, the museum's bell rang indicating that our time here was almost done and I hated to say it but
"Looks like we'll have to continue again tomorrow, I'll be sure to come by early just so we can learn more about the history of vernal.." I spoke, I waved to the people with a smile then ushered them to the exit, pushing the door open for them..
as I was watching them go, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. "Hello.." greeted a small chubby girl, big round glasses nested on her nose and her short hair in nice neat braids. "I'm Amelia, and I just have to say-" She said, pulling out a notebook from her satchel.
"I love your stories and I made art for them, I hope you don't mind and I'll be sure to come by tomorrow, everything is just so interesting."

That made me smile so I nodded. "I'll be sure to see you again." I said with a nod as I waved her skip away and into the bus that was already packed and ready for passengers, She waved from her seat and I waved back.. I looked up at the sky.

"Yeah, tomorrow.." I muttered to myself.

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