2. The Losing Team

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Return to the courtroom was nerve-wracking to say the least. Matt's hand was a heavy weight not only on your arm but also on your heart. In any outcome, both sides can still appeal. Of course, you wanted justice to win, but you also needed to save your job, which can easily be taken away from you if you lose another case to Murdock. Your company sees Nelson and Murdock as worthy opponents for now, but other, even bigger firms see them only as mere ants in the crowd of giants.

Upon reaching your table, Matt lets go of your hand but manages to whisper in your ear quickly, "Don't let this go downhill."

You remain standing, waiting for the judge to return, feeling like your feet have been glued to the spot.

"Thanks for the coffee," Foggy carefully nudges you with his elbow, and you just manage to nod once.

"All rise for the judge and jury." The officer nearby announces loudly. You stay exactly in your place, watching how twelve people walk in a nice row, finally take their previous spots, followed by the even more bored-looking judge. The judge sits down, everyone in the courtroom does the same. You nervously glance at Murdock, who's looking right at the judge, and Nelson, sitting calm and composed, so different from his friend.

"I believe the jury has made a decision." Judge simply says, opening a file of documents and flipping couple of times.

"Yes." One-woman answers, briefly standing up and then sitting back down just as quick.

"May your representative present your decision?"

Someone nudges a man, who was sitting in the front row, and he stands up, obviously uncomfortable by the position he's been pushed into.

"Yes, your Honor. The Jury has decided that Mr Donovan is innocent and rightfully deserves the money and everything that is written in the will. Miss Donovan was too late and therefore, the second will changes nothing." The man says and waits for the judge to nod, after the latter does so, he sits down.

Judge slams the gavel once and stands up, leaving.
You remain slumped in your chair.

"We won, I knew I could trust you." Donovan shakes you by your shoulders and leaves his seat, already on his way out.

Foggy curses under his breath and collects his stuff, urging Matt to leave.

"Go, I'm okay." He says and Foggy shrugs, eyeing you weirdly.

"I hope you're not planning on sleeping here, are you, Y/l/n?" Matt smiles a little, leaning on his cane in front of you.

"I hope you're not planning on waiting for me, Murdock." You respond, putting on your mask again, as if nothing happened before. You collect your folders and sheets, hands full.

"Need help?"

"Wouldn't dare to bother a blind man with my things." You simply say, looking at the jury, also hurrying to leave.

"Well, I may be blind, but it doesn't mean that I'm not a gentleman, give me those." He folds his cane and puts it in his inside pocket, almost grabbing your folders in one hand, and offering you the free one. 

You sigh and cross his hand with yours, he dares to stand closer to you than he did before, "Well, I guess I saved my ass today. No more cases against you, Murdock, I hope," you say as you get out of the courtroom, walking through the long corridor, your heels ring loudly in the already empty-ish place.

"What, you don't like being in court with me?" he smirks.

"I don't like having my career hanging on the thread. Because of you, by the way." For a while you say nothing, just walk together in silence, Matt is obviously burning to say something. "Well?"

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